Implement deep learning networks
The network is just a single neuron which learns a function of the form y=mx+c
Neuron uses a Gradient Descent Optimizer, Squared Difference as cost function and linear activation
Data is generated as (x, y) pairs according to an equation, these data points are used to train the network
The network is a simple multi layer perceptron with 1 hidden layer.
It takes a 1 hot vector for a word and encodes it to a lower dimension space (input dimension / 4)
The decoder then tries to reconstruct the embedding to the original word
Text data is a sample paragraph from the internet
This network solves the CartPole-v1 environment - evaluation
A reinforcement learning agent is implemented using PyTorch
The network is a simple multi layer perceptron with 1 hidden layer.
It takes the state of the game as provided by OpenAI gym