project blog laravel is used for learning laravel purpose only that used by student of summerschool uin maliki malang. this project is created step by step at my laravel module, i prefer use this project because i think its very basic step to learn background of laravel development. if you wanna test this project feel free to clone and follow bellow step. ^_^
to educate all laravel developer espessially student of summerschool uin malang 2017
* Laravel Framework
* PHP Programming Language
* Apache Server
* Mysql Database
* PHP Programming Language
* Composer
* Git
type this command to your cli, make sure you have install git
git clone
type this command to your cli, make sure you have install composer
composer install
composer update
open .env file or if its doesnt exist, please duplicate .env.example file to .env file and set configuration database like bellow.
DB_DATABASE=blog #this belongs to your database name
DB_USERNAME=root #this belongs to your database username
DB_PASSWORD=root #this belongs to your database password
type this command to your cli, if any error to this step, its mean you are failed config database at above step
php artisan migrate:install
type this command to your cli, make sure the migrate proses was successful
php artisan db:seed
type this artisan command
php artisan serve
enjoy the project ^_^ . if you have any question, feel free to contact me.
regards @billxcode