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An example of how to set up Chakra-UI in a headless & modular manner, without the predefined theme.

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Chakra-UI Headless & Modular Setup

This is an example of how to set up Chakra-UI in a headless & modular manner, without using the predefined theme.

Chakra-UI version at the time of writing: 2.5.1.


npm i @chakra-ui/provider @chakra-ui/theme @chakra-ui/anatomy @chakra-ui/system @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

You can skip framer-motion if the @chakra-ui components you install don't use it.

Create the theme folder

// theme/theme.ts

import { ThemeConfig } from '@chakra-ui/theme';
import { components } from './components';
import { foundations } from './foundations';

const config: ThemeConfig = {
    useSystemColorMode: true,
    initialColorMode: 'dark',
    cssVarPrefix: 'your-prefix',

export const theme = {
// theme/index.ts

export * from './theme';
// theme/components/index.ts

export const components = {};
// theme/foundations/index.ts

export const foundations = {};

Add the provider

// Entry point of the application
import { theme } from './theme';

<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>
    <App />

Configure foundations

You can create files for each foundation property (blur, borders, breakpoints, colors, radius, etc.) like showcased in the official repo.

Example for colors

  1. Create colors.ts inside foundations
// theme/foundations/colors.ts

export const colors = {
    primary: '#1f1f1f',
    secondary: '#dbdbdb',
  1. Add colors to foundations
// theme/foundations/index.ts

import { colors } from './colors';

export const foundations = {

Configure components

Chakra-UI has 2 types of components: single part components (eg Text, Spinner, etc.) and multipart components (Input, Modal, etc.).

Single part components: Text example

  1. npm i @chakra-ui/layout
  2. Create a new file inside components called text.ts.
// theme/components/text.ts

import { defineStyle, defineStyleConfig } from '@chakra-ui/styled-system';
import { mode } from '@chakra-ui/theme-tools';

const baseStyle = defineStyle(props => ({
    color: mode('primary', 'secondary')(props),
    lineHeight: '1.2',
    fontSize: '16px',

export const Text = defineStyleConfig({ baseStyle });
  1. Add Text to components
// theme/components/index.ts

import { Text } from './text';

export const components = {
  1. You're done! Usage:
import { Text } from '@chakra-ui/layout';

Multipart components: Input example

  1. npm i @chakra-ui/input
  2. Create a new file inside components called input.ts. We can now follow the steps from the official documentation.
  3. Create a new input.ts file inside components
// theme/components/input.ts

import { inputAnatomy } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy';
// Import `createMultiStyleConfigHelpers` from `@chakra-ui/system`, not `@chakra-ui/react` as mentioned in the docs
import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers } from '@chakra-ui/system';
import { mode } from '@chakra-ui/theme-tools';

const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } = createMultiStyleConfigHelpers(

const baseStyle = definePartsStyle(props => ({
    field: {
        // To use `mode`, install `@chakra-ui/theme-tools`
        bgColor: mode('#a1afc4', '#292d33')(props),
        borderRadius: 4,
        padding: 8,
        width: '100%',
        _placeholder: {
            color: mode('primary', 'secondary')(props),

export const Input = defineMultiStyleConfig({ baseStyle });
  1. Add Input to components
// theme/components/index.ts

import { Text } from './text';
import { Input } from './input';

export const components = {
  1. You're done! Usage:
import { Input } from '@chakra-ui/input';
<Input placeholder="Hello!" />

Generate typings for your theme

Follow the steps from the official documentation.

  1. Update scripts inside package.json
  "scripts": {
    "theme": "chakra-cli tokens src/theme",
    "theme:watch": "chakra-cli tokens src/theme --watch"
  1. npm run theme

Note: You might have to restart VSCode to see the changes.

Note: You might get an error about "type": "module". Removing it is one way to solve the issue, but probably not the recommended solution for all projects.


How do I know which package to install if I want to use component X?

The name of the packages are written in the documentation, at the top of the page, under the description.

npm package

How to call the files inside the components folder?

The names of the files inside the components folder usually correspond to the name in lower case of the component you're looking to style. You can also check the official components folder if you get confused.


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