Link to video: (same video)
1.✅ DONE Use “nice” naming (common readability, self-documenting code);
2.✅ DONE Write safe code, leave no possibility of crashes (correct optionals, array indices handling etc.);
3.✅ DONE Follow any of the architectures (MVP, MVVM etc.);
4.✅ DONE Organize code using clean architecture;
5.✅ DONE Use DI (Koin, Dagger 2 etc);
6.❌NOT DONE Add basic unit-tests coverage;
7.✅ DONE Make the expand/collapse feature for CountriesList animated, with no UI bugs;
8.✅ DONE Use “skeleton loading” for all the elements while API requests are performed;
9.🟡 NOT FINISHED Add the images caching and reuse them from cache (don’t download any image twice);
10.✅ DONE Make the “Capital coordinates” latitude + longitude value on the CountryDetails screen tappable; on tap open the link obtained from the “maps → Google Maps”;
11.❌NOT DONE Add the push-notifications feature: - a. Make the push notification appear after 1-5 seconds after the app launch; - b. The push should contain random country basic info; - c. The user’s tap should be handled by opening the corresponding country’s CountryDetails screen.
1.✅ DONE Should consist of the scrollable list of all the world countries grouped by parts of the world. The data should be obtained by calling the endpoint.
2.✅ DONE Grouping should be made by using the "continents" property from the endpoint response.
3.✅ DONE Each element in the list should be able to switch between expanded/collapsed state when the user clicks the expand/collapse image button. By default, all the list elements are in the collapsed state.
4.✅ DONE The collapsed element should show the following data:
- a.✅ DONE Country flag obtained from the "flags → png" property.
- b.✅ DONE Country name obtained from the "name → common" property.
- c.✅ DONE Country capital name obtained from the "capital" property.
5.✅ DONE The expanded element should show the following data:
- a.✅ DONE Country flag obtained from the "flags → png" property.
- b.✅ DONE Country name obtained from the "name → common" property.
- c.✅ DONE Country capital name obtained from the "capital" property.
- d.✅ DONE Country population obtained from the "population" property.
- e.✅ DONE List of country's currencies obtained from the "currencies[i] → name" property separated by commas.
- f.✅ DONE "Learn more" button to open the CountryDetails screen.
6.✅ DONE Each of the list elements should provide a segue to the CountryDetails screen showing the corresponding country details. It should be opened by tapping the "Learn more" button in the expanded element state.
1.✅ DONE Should provide the detailed information of the currently selected country. The data should be obtained by calling the[countryCode/cca2] endpoint, where the countryCode/cca2 parameter is obtained from the cca2 property of the "Get all countries" API. All the data should be viewable for the user; thus, if some of the data goes beyond the screen bottom, it should be made scrollable.
2.✅ DONE The screen should show the following data:
- a.✅ DONE Toolbar with the "Back" button allowing the user to go back to the CountriesList screen. The toolbar's title contains the "Country name" from the "name → common" property.
- b.✅ DONE Large country flag image obtained from the "flags → png" property.
- c.✅ DONE The set of "Title + value" fields consisting of the following data:
- i.✅ DONE "Capital" + value obtained from the "capital" property.
- ii.✅ DONE "Capital coordinates" + values obtained from the "capitalInfo → latlng" property separated by commas.
- iii.✅ DONE "Population" + value obtained from the "population" property.
- iv.✅ DONE "Area" + value obtained from the "area" property.
- v.✅ DONE "Currencies" + values obtained from the "currencies[i] → name" property separated by line breaks.
- vi.✅ DONE "Region" + value obtained from the "subregion" property.