Hey there, I'm Eoghan - aka Sullie 👋
A bit about me:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Lynksy & Tracker of Thieves
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Django e-commerce stack
- 🤓 Currently undertaking the Code Institute's Diploma in Full Stack Software Development
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on some interesting projects
Lynksy is a project that I started for the 100 days of code challenge, it is a link in bio tool which I plan to flesh out and rebuild using elements from React along with a few other frameworks. Tracker of Thieves is a brainchild I had while playing the video game Sea of Thieves which allows you to search for locations to receive the co-ordinates on the world map.
- Rebuild of Lynksy
- Wedding website
- Wordpress & Shopify theme(s)
- E-commerce projects