- 一条PoS的区块链
- 可升级的运行环境
- 插件式的共识 (PoS, PoW, PoA)
- 区块生产和同步
- 高效存储
- 高效状态机
- P2P网络层
- 内置的基本加密工具
- 支持轻客户端
- 工具集,用来修改运行环境的逻辑,例如管理存储、账户、权益、资产、共识算法等等
- UI工具
- 正在招聘: Rust开发工程师,运行环境工程师,发布经理,具体职位信息请看这里。
- [4月26]: Ink初始版本发布: 基于Substrate的智能合约DSL可以进行试验了。
- [4月9]: Parity Fether: 以太坊桌面钱包上线!
- [4月29]: Oslo Blockchain Day
- [5月6-8]: Re:publica in Berlin ft. Jutta Steiner. 链接
- [5月9-10]: The next web in Amsterdam. 链接
- [5月10-11]: Ethereal Summit in NYC. 链接
- [5月13-15]: Coindesk Consensus in NYC. 链接
- [5月13-15]: Webit Festival in Bulgaria. 链接
- [5月17-19]: Eth New York, Eth Global Hackathon. 链接
- [5月23-24]: Malta AI & Blockchain Summit in Malta. 链接
- [5月31]: Crypto Chicks in Toronto. 链接
加入Meetup 群组 获取更多活动。
- Substrate 参考文档: 官方Substrate参考文档
- Substrate Wiki: 指南、实例和深入解释
- Polkadot Wiki: 指南、实例和深入解释
- Research Wiki: 早期研究,未来的技术路线
- UI Wiki: Polkadot和Substrate的JS API文档
- Twitter: 最新的公告
- Riot: 与核心开发讨论技术问题
- Blog: 技术决定和公司文化
- Stack Overflow: 常见问题和解决方案
- Substrate Reddit: Substrate社区论坛
- Polkadot Reddit: Polkadot社区论坛
- PolkaWorld: Polkadot中国社区
- 构建自定义的Substrate运行环境: 作者@gavofyork,抛硬币游戏DAppChain。
- 构建加密猫区块链: 作者@shawntabrizi,基于Substrate的加密猫DAppChain
- 构建TCR链: 作者@Gautamdhameja,基于Substrate的通证背书清单
- 构建UTXO链: 作者@Dmitriy K 基于Substrate的UTXO链
- [新!]** 使用Ink开发智能合约: 一个用Substrate编写智能合约的DSL。
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 58: Kicking off 2019 with Jutta Steiner
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 46: Gavin Wood on Polkadot, Sharding and Substrate
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 12: How to become a blockchain developer? We ask Gavin Wood
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 5: A fireside chat with a couple Parity peeps
- Web3 Foundation and Polkadot by Gavin Wood
- The Next Evolution of the Internet by Gavin Wood
- History of Web3 by Ryan Zurrer at Polkadot Seoul, December 2018
- Introducing Polkadot by Gavin Wood at London Ethereum Meetup, July 2017
- Motivating Polkadot by Bjorn Wagner, Fred Harrysson, August 2018
- Polkadot and Parity Substrate by Bjorn Wagner, Robert Habermeier at Polkadot SF, December 2018
- A Case for Substrate and Polkadot by Fabian Gompf, October 2018
- Upcoming Polkadot Developments by Gavin Wood at the M1 Conference, February 2019
- Building DApps with Substrate by Benjamin Kampmann, February 2019
- Polkadot for Developers: Status, Roadmap and Tools by Robert Habermeier at Polkadot Seoul, December 2018
- Implications of Interoperability by Robert Habermeier at Web3 Summit, October 2018
- Parity Substrate: the foundation for blockchain innovators by Robert Habermeier, May 2018
- How Polkadot works by Robert Habermeier, July 2018
- Light Clients: What is a blockchain node? by Thibaut Sardan, November 2018
- Light Clients: Why light clients are the future by Thibaut Sardan, October 2018
- Light Clients:
: building DApps on top of a light client by Amaury Martiny, October 2018 - Parachains vs Smart Contracts by Adrian Brink at Polkadot Seoul, December 2018
- Parachains vs Smart Contracts Panel with Alistair Stewart, Adrian Brink and Andrew Jones at Polkadot Seoul, December 2018
- Libp2p: A Modular, P2P Networking Stack by Mike Goelzer at Web3 Summit, October 2018
- WebAssembly: WASM for Web 3.0 Panel by Alex Beregszaszi, Peter Czaban, Sergei Shulepov & Lane Rettig at Web3 Summit, October 2018
- WebAssembly: Rust Cologne, WASM in the wild by Benjamin Kampmann at Rust Cologne, November 2018
- Consensus: ZeroKnowledgeFM 15 - Chatting about Consensus Algorithms with Robert Habermeier
- Consensus and Finality by Alistair Stewart at Polkadot Seoul, December 2018
- Governance: Web3 Summit Governance Panel
- Governance: ZeroKnowledgeFM 52: Vlad and Gavin debate blockchain governance
- Governance: Epicenter #259 Gavin Wood: Substrate, Polkadot and the Case for On-Chain Governance
- What is Substrate
- Substrate in a nutshell
- Never fork again
- Substrate has arrived
- A brief summary of everything Substrate and Polkadot
- Everything you Need to Know to Prepare for Polkadot
- IPFS浏览器. 代码
- Substrate多重签名. 代码
- Merkle tree模块. 代码
- 使用Substrate实现停车场车位登记. 代码
- 使用Substrate构建出售苹果的线上商店. 代码
- ChainLink - 正在开发预言机 (公告)
- DataHighway - 分散式物聯網漫遊,挖掘(鎖定,信令),鏈間數據市場, DAO (网站, 文件和技術報告, Github 代码)
- 0x protocol - 去中心化的交易所 (Tweet)
- Aragon - 永不离线的组织,DAOs (演讲)
- AdEx - 正在实现他们的TCR (公告)
- ChainX - 正在开发比特币和以太坊的桥接网络 (公告)
- Ocean Protocol - 建立数据共享的生态系统 (演讲)
- Energy Web Foundation - 正在构建一个能源网络 (公告)
- iExec - 去中心化的云计算 (公告)
- Edgeware - 正在构建基于WASM的智能合约平台 (网站)
- ZeroChain - 基于Substrate开发的zK-SNARKs链 (公告)
- Robonomics - 信息实体系统集成 (Twitter)
- MXC - IoT 协议 (网站)
- Katal Chain - 金融合约 (网站)
- Joystream - 用户治理的视频平台 (公告)
- Asure Network - 社交安全网络 (网站)
- Kilt Protocol - 身份信任市场 (网站)
- PACTCare - 基于Substrate开发的元数据区块链Starlog (GitHub)
- Blink Network - 快速支付 (网站)
- Akropolis - 全球养老基础设施 (公告)
- LayerX - zk-SNARKs 链 (announcement)
- Plasm - Plasm 是Substrate的一个运行时模块,可以方便开发者添加Plasma功能到自己的Substrate链中 (代码)
- Speckle OS - 通用的身份和账户管理平行链 (公告)
- Evolution Land - 基于区块链的虚拟经营游戏 (Github)
- Substrate Dex - 一个基于substrate的Dex (Github)
- 与Longhash合作建立Polkadot孵化器 链接
*As of 8 Feb 2019
**As of 1 Dec 2018
Substrate parallelises transactions:
You can hack at various layers of Substrate:
How PoS staking affects finality:
Difference btw Polkadot parachains vs Substrate chains:
Relaychain, parachains, bridgechains