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refactor: better support for multiple workspace folders
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Signed-off-by: Jack Cherng <>
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jfcherng committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 7c51c8d commit 45b9b07
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Showing 6 changed files with 154 additions and 113 deletions.
129 changes: 39 additions & 90 deletions plugin/
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Expand Up @@ -3,58 +3,43 @@
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import weakref
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, cast

import jmespath
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
from LSP.plugin import ClientConfig, DottedDict, MarkdownLangMap, Response, WorkspaceFolder
from LSP.plugin.core.protocol import CompletionItem, Hover, SignatureHelp
from lsp_utils import NpmClientHandler
from more_itertools import first_true
from sublime_lib import ResourcePath

from .dev_environment.helpers import get_dev_environment_handler
from .log import log_error, log_info, log_warning
from .template import load_string_template
from .virtual_env.helpers import find_venv_by_finder_names, find_venv_by_python_executable
from .virtual_env.venv_finder import BaseVenvInfo, get_finder_name_mapping
from .utils_lsp import AbstractLspPythonPlugin, find_workspace_folder, update_view_status_bar_text, uri_to_file_path
from .virtual_env.helpers import find_venv_by_finder_names

class WindowAttr:
simple_python_executable: Path | None = None
"""The path to the Python executable found by the `PATH` env variable."""
venv_info: BaseVenvInfo | None = None
"""The information of the virtual environment."""
class ViewEventListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener):
def on_activated(self) -> None:
settings = self.view.settings()

def preferred_python_executable(self) -> Path | None:
return self.venv_info.python_executable if self.venv_info else self.simple_python_executable
if settings.get("lsp_active"):
update_view_status_bar_text(LspPyrightPlugin, self.view)

class LspPyrightPlugin(NpmClientHandler):
class LspPyrightPlugin(AbstractLspPythonPlugin, NpmClientHandler):
package_name = PACKAGE_NAME
server_directory = "language-server"
server_binary_path = os.path.join(server_directory, "node_modules", "pyright", "langserver.index.js")

server_version = ""
"""The version of the language server."""

window_attrs: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[sublime.Window, WindowAttr] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
"""Per-window attributes. I.e., per-session attributes."""

def required_node_version(cls) -> str:
Testing playground at
And `0.0.0` means "no restrictions".
return ">=14"
return ">=14" # @todo really?

def should_ignore(cls, view: sublime.View) -> bool:
Expand All @@ -81,8 +66,6 @@ def can_start(
) -> str | None:
if message := super().can_start(window, initiating_view, workspace_folders, configuration):
return message

cls.window_attrs.setdefault(window, WindowAttr())
return None

def on_settings_changed(self, settings: DottedDict) -> None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +137,35 @@ def on_server_response_async(self, method: str, response: Response) -> None:
documentation["value"] = self.patch_markdown_content(documentation["value"])

def on_workspace_configuration(self, params: Any, configuration: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
# provide detected venv information from the workspace folder
# note that `pyrightconfig.json` seems to be auto-prioritized by the server
if (
(session := self.weaksession())
and (params["section"] == "python")
and (scope_uri := params.get("scopeUri"))
and (file_path := uri_to_file_path(scope_uri))
and (wf_path := find_workspace_folder(session.window, file_path))
and (venv_strategies := session.config.settings.get("venvStrategies"))
and (venv_info := find_venv_by_finder_names(venv_strategies, project_dir=wf_path))
self.wf_attrs[wf_path].venv_info = venv_info
# When ST just starts, server session hasn't been created yet.
# So `on_activated` can't add full information for the initial view and hence we handle it here.
if active_view := sublime.active_window().active_view():
update_view_status_bar_text(self.__class__, active_view)

# modify configuration for the venv
site_packages_dir = str(venv_info.site_packages_dir)
conf_analysis: dict[str, Any] = configuration.setdefault("analysis", {})
conf_analysis_extra_paths: list[str] = conf_analysis.setdefault("extraPaths", [])
if site_packages_dir not in conf_analysis_extra_paths:
conf_analysis_extra_paths.insert(0, site_packages_dir)
if not configuration.get("pythonPath"):
configuration["pythonPath"] = str(venv_info.python_executable)

return configuration

# -------------- #
# custom methods #
# -------------- #
Expand All @@ -171,32 +183,6 @@ def copy_overwrite_dirs(cls) -> None:
except OSError:
raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to copy overwrite dirs from "{dir_src}" to "{dir_dst}".')

def update_status_bar_text(self, extra_variables: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> None:
if not (session := self.weaksession()):

variables: dict[str, Any] = {
"server_version": self.server_version,

if venv_info := self.window_attrs[session.window].venv_info:
variables["venv"] = {
"finder_name": venv_info.meta.finder_name,
"python_version": venv_info.python_version,
"venv_prompt": venv_info.prompt,

if extra_variables:

rendered_text = ""
if template_text := str(session.config.settings.get("statusText") or ""):
rendered_text = load_string_template(template_text).render(variables)
except Exception as e:
log_warning(f'Invalid "statusText" template: {e}')

def patch_markdown_content(self, content: str) -> str:
# add another linebreak before horizontal rule following fenced code block
content = re.sub("```\n---", "```\n\n---", content)
Expand All @@ -218,40 +204,3 @@ def patch_markdown_content(self, content: str) -> str:
def parse_server_version(cls) -> str:
lock_file_content = sublime.load_resource(f"Packages/{PACKAGE_NAME}/language-server/package-lock.json")
return"dependencies.pyright.version", json.loads(lock_file_content)) or ""

def update_venv_info(
settings: DottedDict,
workspace_folders: list[WorkspaceFolder],
window: sublime.Window,
) -> None:
window_attr = cls.window_attrs[window]

def _update_simple_python_path() -> None:
window_attr.simple_python_executable = None

if python_path := first_true(("py", "python3", "python"), pred=shutil.which):
window_attr.simple_python_executable = Path(python_path)

def _update_venv_info() -> None:
window_attr.venv_info = None

if python_path := settings.get("python.pythonPath"):
window_attr.venv_info = find_venv_by_python_executable(python_path)

supported_finder_names = tuple(get_finder_name_mapping().keys())
finder_names: list[str] = settings.get("venvStrategies")
if invalid_finder_names := sorted(set(finder_names) - set(supported_finder_names)):
log_warning(f"The following finder names are not supported: {', '.join(invalid_finder_names)}")

if workspace_folders and (first_folder := Path(workspace_folders[0].path).resolve()):
for folder in (first_folder, *first_folder.parents):
if venv_info := find_venv_by_finder_names(finder_names, project_dir=folder):
window_attr.venv_info = venv_info

8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions plugin/dev_environment/
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from more_itertools import first_true

from ..virtual_env.venv_info import BaseVenvInfo
from .impl import (
Expand All @@ -28,14 +27,9 @@ def get_dev_environment_handler(
server_dir: str | Path,
workspace_folders: Sequence[str],
venv_info: BaseVenvInfo | None = None,
) -> BaseDevEnvironmentHandler | None:
if handler_cls := find_dev_environment_handler_class(dev_environment):
return handler_cls(
return handler_cls(server_dir=server_dir, workspace_folders=workspace_folders)
return None

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion plugin/dev_environment/impl/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def python_version(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
return (3, 3)

def handle_(self, *, settings: DottedDict) -> None:
self._inject_extra_paths(settings=settings, paths=self.find_package_dependency_dirs(), operation="replace")
self._inject_extra_paths(settings=settings, paths=self.find_package_dependency_dirs())

def find_package_dependency_dirs(self) -> list[str]:
dep_dirs = sys.path.copy()
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21 changes: 6 additions & 15 deletions plugin/dev_environment/
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from typing import Any, Iterable, Literal, Sequence, final

from LSP.plugin.core.collections import DottedDict
from more_itertools import unique_everseen

from ..log import log_info
from ..log import log_debug
from ..utils import camel_to_snake, remove_suffix
from ..virtual_env.venv_info import BaseVenvInfo

class BaseDevEnvironmentHandler(ABC):
def __init__(
server_dir: str | Path,
workspace_folders: Sequence[str],
venv_info: BaseVenvInfo | None = None,
) -> None:
def __init__(self, *, server_dir: str | Path, workspace_folders: Sequence[str]) -> None:
self.server_dir = Path(server_dir)
"""The language server directory."""
self.workspace_folders = workspace_folders
"""The workspace folders."""
self.venv_info = venv_info
"""The virtual environment information."""

def name(cls) -> str:
Expand All @@ -48,9 +40,6 @@ def handle(self, *, settings: DottedDict) -> None:
"""Handle this environment."""

if self.venv_info:
self._inject_extra_paths(settings=settings, paths=(self.venv_info.site_packages_dir,))

def handle_(self, *, settings: DottedDict) -> None:
"""Handle this environment. (subclass)"""
Expand All @@ -73,5 +62,7 @@ def _inject_extra_paths(
next_paths = extra_paths
raise ValueError(f"Invalid operation: {operation}")
log_info(f"Modified extra analysis paths ({operation = }): {paths}")

next_paths = list(unique_everseen(next_paths, key=Path)) # deduplication
log_debug(f'Due to "dev_environment", new "analysis.extraPaths" is ({operation = }): {next_paths}')
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions plugin/
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Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ def get_default_startupinfo() -> Any:
return None

def path_to_resolved_posix(path: str | Path) -> str | None:
return Path(path).resolve().as_posix()
except Exception:
return None

def run_shell_command(
command: str | Sequence[str],
Expand Down
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions plugin/
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
"""Utility functions related to LSP."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import sublime
from LSP.plugin import parse_uri
from LSP.plugin.core.registry import windows as lsp_windows_registry

from .log import log_warning
from .template import load_string_template
from .utils import drop_falsy, path_to_resolved_posix
from .virtual_env.venv_finder import BaseVenvInfo
from .vs_marketplace_lsp_utils import VsMarketplaceClientHandler

class WorkspaceFolderAttr:
venv_info: BaseVenvInfo | None = None
"""The information of the virtual environment."""

class AbstractLspPythonPlugin(VsMarketplaceClientHandler, ABC):
server_version: str
"""The version of the language server."""
wf_attrs: defaultdict[Path, WorkspaceFolderAttr] = defaultdict(WorkspaceFolderAttr)
"""Per workspace folder attributes."""

def find_workspace_folder(window: sublime.Window, path: str | Path) -> Path | None:
"""Find a workspace folder for the path. The deepest folder wins if there are multiple matches."""
if path_ := path_to_resolved_posix(path):
for folder in sorted(drop_falsy(map(path_to_resolved_posix, window.folders())), key=len, reverse=True):
if f"{path_}/".startswith(f"{folder}/"):
return Path(folder)
return None

def lowercase_drive_letter(path: str) -> str:
"""Converts the drive letter in the path to lowercase."""
if len(path) > 1 and path[1] == ":":
return path[0].lower() + path[1:]
return path

def uri_to_file_path(uri: str) -> str | None:
"""Converts the URI to its file path if it's of the "file" scheme. Otherwise, `None`."""
scheme, path = parse_uri(uri)
return path if scheme == "file" else None

def update_view_status_bar_text(
lsp_cls: type[AbstractLspPythonPlugin],
view: sublime.View,
extra_variables: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
if not (
(file_path := view.file_name())
and (window := view.window())
and (lsp_window_manager := lsp_windows_registry.lookup(window))
and (session := lsp_window_manager.get_session(, file_path))

# shortcut if the user doesn't want any status text
if not (template_text := str(session.config.settings.get("statusText") or "")):

variables: dict[str, Any] = {
"server_version": lsp_cls.server_version,

if (
(wf_path := find_workspace_folder(window, file_path))
and (wf_attr := lsp_cls.wf_attrs.get(wf_path))
and (venv_info := wf_attr.venv_info)
variables["venv"] = {
"finder_name": venv_info.meta.finder_name,
"python_version": venv_info.python_version,
"venv_prompt": venv_info.prompt,

if extra_variables:

rendered_text = ""
rendered_text = load_string_template(template_text).render(variables)
except Exception as e:
log_warning(f'Invalid "statusText" template: {e}')


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