title |
Updating Documentation |
- This website is built using Jekyll with Github Pages and Markdown.
- In order to edit the documentation, you can edit any of the markdown files with a markdown editor of your choice. Typora is a good starting point.
- Pushing changes to the Github will automatically trigger jekyll to format everything into the documentation that is viewable.
- This is entirely optional, though you may find it helpful to be able to test commits locally on your computer.
- By setting up a local server we can make changes to our documentation files and preview the site before pushing to Github.
Install Ruby+Devkit here if you haven't already installed it. Make sure to follow the instructions to install Jekyll and Bundler as well.
Clone the documentation repository locally.
Navigate to the folder using the terminal of your choice.
# Example: cd "C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\GitHub\SuAVE-Documentation"
initialize bundler by running
bundle init
Configure the bundler installation path. Optional but it configures bundler to install gems into the ./vendor/bundle/ project subdirectory.
- This helps avoid permissions errors since it designates a local install folder in your project directory for "gem install" rather than the default one that is used by "gem install"
- This is only required once, since this configuration is saved into "./.bundle/config" and this is where future "gem install"s will be redirected to for your project
- Read more here: https://jekyllrb.com/tutorials/using-jekyll-with-bundler/
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
- Next, add the github-pages gem
bundle add --group=":jekyll-plugins" github-pages
Important: after running this command, you will see a line at the end that reads "Installing github-pages XXX" where XXX will be the version number of your pages. Keep this as we'll need it soon in another step
Next, create a Jekyll scaffold
bundle exec jekyll new --force --skip-bundle . bundle install
- The "--force" parameter is required since our folder has some bundler files in it already and isn't empty
- "bundle install" is run separately because Jekyll gets confused if a Gemfile already exists
Next, edit the "Gemfile" file that should now be in your documentation folder to add github-pages gem and comment out jekyll gem
- The line you want to comment out starts with 'gem "jekyll"'
# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running. # Happy Jekylling! # gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9.0"
- Mine looked like this afterwards.
Next, we are going to replace the line with 'gem "github-pages"' with the following code, ensuring we replace 'GITHUB-PAGES-VERSION' with the github-pages version we parsed from the command line.
gem "github-pages", "~> GITHUB-PAGES-VERSION", group: :jekyll_plugins # Example: # gem "github-pages", "~> 218", group: :jekyll_plugins
Add webrick gem to Gemfile
- I've gotten this error when executing jekyll later on that leads me to need to add 'gem "webrick"' to my Gemfile as well since I believe it's a dependency.
gem "webrick"
this is what the end of my Gemfile looks like now
Alternatively, you can run the command:
bundle add webrick
Next, update bundle
- This should ensure all the dependencies are up to date
bundle update
Next, update your config.yml file (jekyll settings)
This config file is where jekyll site customization comes into play with theme designations, variables, and other constants.
Replace all the contents of config.yml with just:
remote_theme: pmarsceill/just-the-docs
- The remote_theme variable is important in order to properly style our documentation.
Run jekyll locally
- Source: "Testing your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll"
- Use your terminal that should be still open in the cloned folder of the SuAVE-Documentation repository to enter this command:
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Now, you should be able to use your web browser to navigate to localhost:4000 and interact with the documentation webpage locally without having to commit to github
- Note: Sometimes your browser caches the webpage and changes to markdown locally won't update immediately. In this case, you can open a private window in your browser and navigate to the same page and it should be updated. You could also clear your cache for the webpage.
Lastly, ensure all of the unnecessary files are in your .gitignore file as to not upload unecessary files.
The unnecessary files/folders that got installed with my instance are:
- .bundle/
- _site/
- vendor/
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- .sass-cache/
and I will be deleting the following files since they are unnecessary and I think they came with the default minima theme
- _posts/
- about.md
My final .gitignore file looks like:
_site .sass-cache .jekyll-metadata .bundle vendor Gemfile Gemfile.lock
The _site, .sass-cache, and .jekyll-metadata were initialized with the github repository