This role sets up a FusionDirectory installation.
No data is written to your LDAP server, this has to be done by another role.
You need a PHP-capable webserver which serves /usr/share/fusiondirectory/html
The schemas are not touched, fusiondirectory_schemas is used for this. Your LDAP server needs to have some schemas loaded, see the Requirements section for that.
Debian and a LDAP server needs to be configured and have the following schemas loaded:
Note that some plugins may require more schemas.
Name | Default/Required | Description |
fusiondirectory_plugin_packages |
[] |
List of extra apt packages to install for FusionDirectory plugins |
fusiondirectory_http_group |
www-data |
Group under which the web server runs. This group is allowed to read FusionDirectory's files |
fusiondirectory_force_ssl |
false |
Force usage of SSL |
fusiondirectory_ignore_acl |
Specification of a DN that ignores all FusionDirectory ACLs | |
fusiondirectory_logging |
true |
Enable logging |
fusiondirectory_debug_level |
0 |
Debug level for logging |
fusiondirectory_display_errors |
false |
Display errors in the FusionDirectory web interface |
fusiondirectory_default_location |
✔️ | Location that is preselected in the dropdown at the login screen |
fusiondirectory_locations |
✔️ | A list of locations. See the next section for details |
Name | Default/Required | Description |
name |
✔️ | Name of this location |
config |
LDAP base where FusionDirectory stores its configuration data | |
debuglevel |
Debuglevel of this location | |
referrals |
✔️ | A list of referrals. See the next section for details |
Name | Default/Required | Description |
uri |
✔️ | Full URI of this referral |
basedn |
✔️ | Base DN of this referral |
admin |
✔️ | DN with the permission to write LDAP entries |
password |
✔️ | Password of the DN in the previous variable |
tls |
false |
Use TLS for connecting |
- hosts: fd
- fusiondirectory
fusiondirectory_default_location: ldap01
- name: ldap01
- uri: "ldapi://%2Frun%2Fslapd%2Fldapi"
basedn: "dc=example,dc=com"
admin: "cn=root,dc=example,dc=com"
password: water
- fusiondirectory-plugin-systems
- fusiondirectory-plugin-mail
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