- Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) Lite
- Release date: October 22nd 2024
- System: 32-bit
- Kernel version: 6.1
- Debian version: 11 (bullseye)
(Python: Python3.9)
Donwload iso-image click here
# Use the arrow keys to navigate to Interface Options and press Enter.
# Select SSH and press Enter.
# You will be asked if you want to enable the SSH server. Select Yes and press Enter.
# After enabling SSH, navigate to Finish and press Enter.
# You may be prompted to reboot your Raspberry Pi. If so, select Yes to reboot.
sudo raspi-config
sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .venv
# Activate venv on login
echo -e "\n# Activate virtual environment on login\nif [ -d \"/home/sthings/.venv\" ]; then\n source .venv/bin/activate\nfi" >> /home/sthings/.profile
source /home/sthings/.profile
cat <<EOF > /tmp/inventory_raspi
192.168.1.xxx ansible_user=sthings ansible_password=<password> ansible_become_pass=<password> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
Ansible play
cat <<EOF > /tmp/raspi-betankung.yaml
- name: Install essential tools on Raspbian
hosts: "{{ target_host | default('all') }}"
become: yes
- git
- curl
- unzip
- wget
- make
- g++
- python3-pip
- python3-dev
- cython3
- name: Update apt cache
update_cache: yes
- name: Install git, curl, and wget etc..
name: "{{ os_packages }}"
state: present
ansible-playbook -i /tmp/inventory_raspi /tmp/raspi-betankung.yaml -vv
mkdir lib &&
mkdir homerun-matrix-catcher
cd lib &&
git clone https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix.git
cd /home/sthings/ &&
wget https://github.com/stuttgart-things/homerun-matrix-catcher/releases/download/0.1.1/homerun-matrix-catcher.tar.gz &&
tar -xzf homerun-matrix-catcher.tar.gz -C ./homerun-matrix-catcher
pip install -r /home/sthings/homerun-matrix-catcher/requirements_new_raspi.txt
Save requirements to file and scp to new raspi
# execute on original raspi
pip freeze > /tmp/requirements_new_raspi.txt
scp /tmp/requirements_new_raspi.txt sthings@192.168.1.xxx:/tmp/requirements_new_raspi.txt
# execute on new raspi
pip install -r /tmp/requirements_new_raspi.txt
Reference Readme
Edit Makefile
sudo sed -i 's/^HARDWARE_DESC?=regular/#HARDWARE_DESC?=regular/; s/^#HARDWARE_DESC=adafruit-hat-pwm/HARDWARE_DESC=adafruit-hat-pwm/' /home/sthings/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/lib/Makefile
sudo -i
# Activate venv while root
cd /home/sthings &&
source .venv/bin/activate
# Build and install matrix library
cd lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/bindings/python
make build-python
make install-python
# save for reboot
cat <<EOF > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
sudo update-initramfs -u
- --profile path/to/rulesfile : Use referenced Rules-File to define which kind of events get displayed on the matrix
- --generategifs : To activate generic gif generation of the System and Severity of incoming events
- --maxtime=100 : To increase or lower the time for pending events. Integer is in seconds
# Execute with random generated events
cd /home/sthings/homerun-matrix-catcher &&
python3 -E demo_generate.py --profile rules/test-matrix-config.yaml
# Execute with redis events and generated gifs
cd /home/sthings/homerun-matrix-catcher &&
python3 -E demo_redis.py --profile rules/rules2.yaml --generategifs --maxtime=100