For more details about the package or to cite, please visit https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.05.07.539760v1.
Characterization of small RNA pathways
You can find the full documentation and examples .
In order to install MiSiPi.RNA, you must first install devtools and BiocManager:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
In order for this package to work, you must also have RNAfold from the ViennaRNA package installed. You will need the path to the RNAfold executable. See https://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/RNA/ for installation.
For converting the .ps output files from the miRNA module to .png, install ImageMagick and ghostscript, then run
ps2png(path_to_magick_exe, file_dir)
where path_to_magick_exe is the full path to the binary executable and file_dir is the folder containing the .ps files. This will also be the output folder.
The input for any of MiSiPi.RNA's main functions is an object created by theset_vars() function. Running set_vars will always be the first step in using this package. Below is a description of each of the parameters that will be passed to set_vars(). These should be changed based on your needs.
- roi - A bed file listing your regions of interest
- bam_file - A BAM file of aligned reads. Index file must also be present
- genome - A genome fasta file. Chromosome names must match the bed file
- min_read_count - This filters out loci with low mapping reads. Defaults to 1
- plot_output - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, MiSiPi.RNA will output plots as pdfs
- path_to_RNAfold - Full path to RNAfold executable
- path_to_RNAplot - Full path to RNAplot executable
- pi_pal - Palette option for the generated piRNA heatmap (see below)
- si_pal - Palette option for the generated siRNA heatmap (see below)
- annotate_region - (TRUE or FALSE) Plots annotated gene features below the hairpin arc plot which is useful for characterizing cisNAT loci
- weight_reads - Determines if read counts will be weighted. ("Top", "locus_norm", or "None")
- gtf_file - Full path to a 9 column GTF file. Required only if annotate_region is TRUE
- write_fastas - (TRUE or FALSE) If TRUE, MiSiPi.RNA will write read pairs from functions to a file. Default is FALSE
- out_type - ("pdf" or "png") Specifies the output type. Default is "pdf"
vars <- set_vars(roi = "path/to/bed",
bam_file = "path/to/bam",
genome = "path/to/genome",
min_read_count = 1,
plot_output = TRUE,
path_to_RNAfold = "path/to/ViennaRNA/RNAfold.exe",
path_to_RNAplot = "path/to/ViennaRNA/RNAplot.exe",
pi_pal = "BlYel",
si_pal = "RdYlBl",
annotate_region = TRUE,
weight_reads = "None",
gtf_file = "path/to/gtf",
write_fastas = FALSE,
out_type = "pdf")
Palette options are:
- "RdYlBl"
- "BlYel"
- "yelOrRed"
- "MagYel"
- "Greens"
Provide the vars object to the function of your choice and all lines contained in BED file will be run:
This outputs a table with metrics and statistics which can be used for summarization or machine learning. See the documentation for more details regarding values in table.
# ml_plots is for users who have already run machine learning
make_html_summary("full/path/to/run_all/", type = (one of "siRNA", "piRNA" or "miRNA"), ml_plots = FALSE)
See full documentation for more details.
#give the path to the directory that contains the folder and the name of the table
ml_probability("full/path/to/table/directory/", "table_ml.txt")