General info about the project.
See Building page for compiling from sources.
Translations on Weblate.
Page for Donations if you'd like to support me and SR financially.
If you'd like to contribute please read Contributing.
For latest updates in repo and info on progress check Changelog.
For future plans see Roadmap and developer Tasks - These pages also have known issues.
Videos from gameplay and track editor tutorials.
Screenshots gallery
and from all versions, including old development galleries (lots of funny screenshots).
Creator and main developer CryHam's website.
It has project pages for new SR 3.x and old SR 2.x and longer with images for old SR 2.x editor.
Old presentation document of the project's past (aka SR 2.6 book, 196 pages), topic with info here and repo here.
Is in (chat, forum etc).
Code is written in C++. Uses CMake and possibly Conan to build.
Git for repositories. Located on Github. Licensed under GPL v3.0.
Car simulation is done by VDrift (older version from 2010) also using bullet physics.
Sound with OpenAL Soft.
Rendering by Ogre-Next 3.0 with PBR materials using HLMS. Gui by MyGUI.
Road is based on a 3D spline and it's fully customizable in editor.
Both road and SR Track Editor are fully implemented our own code by CryHam.
SR website is made using WordPress just like cryham's website.