Pre-release- Changed:
onPlaylistItemsAdded(playlistIndex, startindex, locations): Called when items have been added to the specified playlist. (alpha5)
onPlaylistItemsReordered(playlistIndex, items): Called when the items of the specified playlist have been reordered. (alpha5)
onPlaylistItemsRemoving(playlistIndex, removedItems, newCount): Called when removing items of the specified playlist. (alpha5)
onPlaylistItemsRemoved(playlistIndex, removedItems, newCount): Called when items of the specified playlist have been removed. (alpha5)
onPlaylistItemsModified(playlistIndex, items): Called when some playlist items of the specified playlist have been modified. (alpha5)
onPlaylistItemsModifiedFromPlayback(playlistIndex, items): Called when some playlist items of the specified playlist have been modified from playback. (alpha5)
onPlaylistItemsReplaced(playlistIndex, items): Called when items of the specified playlist have been replaced. (alpha5)
onPlaylistSelectedItemsChanged(playlistIndex, selectedItems): Called when the selected items of the specified playlist have been changed. (alpha5)
onPlaylistsReordered(playlistOrder): Called when the playlists have been reordered. (alpha5)
onPlaylistsRemoving(removedPlaylists, newCount): Called when playlists are being removed. (alpha5)
onPlaylistsRemoved(removedPlaylists, newCount): Called when playlists have been removed. (alpha5)
Changed: Breaking Change Callbacks follow the Category-Noun-Verb naming convention. (alpha5)
Changed: Breaking Change All properties, methods and callbacks to use camelCase convention. (alpha5)
Changed: Breaking Change The parameter list of most callbacks has been expanded. (alpha5)