Pre-release- New:
- Methods
ReadDirectory(directoryPath, searchPattern): Reads the specified directory and returns the matching items as a JSON string. (alpha3)
IsPlaylistItemSelected(playlistIndex, itemIndex): Returns true if the specified item of the specified playlist is selected. (alpha3)
AddPath(playlistIndex, itemIndex, filePath, selectAddedItem): Adds an item to the specified playlist after the specified item using a file path and optionally selects it. (alpha3)
GetPlaylistItems(playlistIndex): Returns the items of the specified playlist as a JSON string. (alpha3)
SelectPlaylistItem(playlistIndex, itemIndex): Selects the specified item in the specified playlist. (alpha3)
DeselectPlaylistItem(playlistIndex, itemIndex): Deselects the specified item in the specified playlist. (alpha3)
GetSelectedPlaylistItems(playlistIndex): Returns the selected items of the specified playlist as a JSON string. (alpha3)
RemoveSelectedPlaylistItems(playlistIndex, crop): Removes the selected items from the specfied playlist. (alpha3)
RemovePlaylistItem(playlistIndex, itemIndex): Removes the specified item from the specified playlist. (alpha3)
DeletePlaylist(playlistIndex): Deletes the specified playlist. (alpha3)
- Methods