1.0.2 (2021-06-11)
1.0.1 (2021-04-29)
1.0.0 (2019-02-13)
- @stryker-mutator/core: stryker 0.x.x is no longer supported. Only @stryker-mutator/core 1.x.x is supported.
- Drops support for NodeJS 4
0.2.0 (2018-07-20)
0.1.3 (2017-10-16)
- infinite install: Stop after first install (#27) (3cebfa8)
- stryker: Fix eol problem for shell script (#24) (325aa52)
0.1.2 (2017-06-17)
0.1.1 (2017-06-08)
0.1.0 (2017-06-08)
- stryker-cli.ts: Call run instead of exec init (963286d)
- stryker-cli.ts: Call stryker init after install (e07aee1)
- chore(package.json): Release 0.0.8 (#15) (0b0fa9e)
- chore(stryker-cli.ts): Improve reabability (#11) (d5aaeb7)
- docs(README.md): Add global install preference (#13) (807c052)
- docs(README.md): Make link to Stryker https (#16) (b5aea7c)
- chore: release v0.0.7 (20b3123)
- chore: add LICENSE file (4149ced)
- chore: release v0.0.6 (d97094e)
- chore: update contributors (7751165)
- chore: update contributors (f2f552e)
- chore: Update to stryker-api@0.3.0-rc2 (5dcab0c)
- chore(*): Cleanup repository (#2) (16fc94c)
- chore(index): Delete index.ts (b8529ef)
- chore(package.json): Preparing release (7f058c3)
- chore(package): Add bin entry to package (926c472)
- chore(package): prefer global installation (4b809d0)
- chore(package): Update version (7999082)
- fix(stryker-cli.ts): Only show logo when installing \n\n Add CHANGELOG.md for grunt release. ASCII L (0768449)
- docs(contributing): Add CONTRIBUTING.md (a6ec885)
- docs(README.md): Add info on installing Stryker (#12) (d74a452)
- docs(README.md): add install cli using npm (31aede9)
- docs(README.md): change README to fit cli project (9f8953c)
- docs(README.md): Fix cli naming issue (#6) (680730c), closes #6
- docs(seed): Fix a few minor spelling mistakes (17813ec)
- Find stryker bin (#5) (0ac5e8d)
- Fix(.gitattributes) Fix eol problem (d4d1ade)
- fix(MyTestRunner) Use RunStatus and TestStatus (e78c92a)
- feat: Stryker ASCII Art (c98da96)
- feat: Update package.json (#3) (44caebd)
- feat(es2015-promise): Remove dep to es6-promise (#4) (3faa3e4)
- feat(index.ts): Find Stryker bin and send command (#4) (a3bd328)
- feat(index.ts): Prompt install (a467a88)
- feat(seed): Initial commit (5633910)