chore: drop node + update dependencies (virkt25)
[WebFM] cs/pl/ru translation (candytangnb)
Add stalebot configuration (Kevin Delisle)
Create Issue and PR Templates (#17) (Sakib Hasan)
Add CODEOWNER file (Diana Lau)
add .travis.yml (Diana Lau)
Replicate new issue_template from loopback (Siddhi Pai)
Replicate issue_template from loopback repo (Siddhi Pai)
Remove unnecessary peer dependencies (Kevin Delisle)
Add eslint@2.x to repository and fix lint errors (Kevin Delisle)
Update paid support URL (Siddhi Pai)
Start 3.x + drop support for Node v0.10/v0.12 (siddhipai)
Drop support for Node v0.10 and v0.12 (Siddhi Pai)
Start the development of the next major version (Siddhi Pai)
Update translation files - round#2 (Candy)
Add translated files (gunjpan)
Globalize using strong-globalize (gunjpan)
Update URLs in CONTRIBUTING.md (#5) (Ryan Graham)
update/insert copyright notices (Ryan Graham)
Refer to licenses with a link (Sam Roberts)
Fix bad CLA URL in CONTRIBUTING.md (Ryan Graham)
- First release!