A skeletal animation system built for the UU Computer Animation course.
Click here for video presentation
Collaborated with a team of wonderful of individuals (who possess the talent to perform the Macarena).😊
- GLTF model/animation loading
- Multiple model scene
- Animation playback settings (speed, forward/backward, frame selection, play/stop)
- Skeletal animation via bone visualization
- Skinning via Linear Blend Skinning
- Custom animations captured at UU motion capture lab
- Multiple interpolation methods (Linear/hermite)
- A soundtrack player (for fun)
- Custom renderer built on moderngl (small opengl abstraction):
- Model rendering
- Skybox
- Grid (with fog)
- Line drawing for skeletons (variable thickness)
- Simple phong shading
- UI via IMGUI
- Utilizes the powerful Numba to speed things up
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python src/main.py