Rewritten and modernised minimal Neovim configuration you can be at peace with.
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Pax is a very modularised and extensive Neovim configuration, that have been modernised and completely rewritten to catch up with new functionalities that previous versions were missing out on.
- packages managed by lazy.nvim;
- simplified software management provided by Mason;
- full debugging support thanks to nvim-dap and neotest;
- a total of 80 plugins aimed to provide support for many technologies and enable a seamless, productive and efficient workflow.
- Ensure that you have neovim installed.
To use the configuration you just need to clone this repository into ~/.config/nvim
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Now it's ready, you can add LSPs as well as other tools using :MasonInstall <tool>
, so that the configuration fits your needs.
- Expand documentation.
- Simplify the configuration.
- Deal with some of the hardcoded variables.
- Clear out duplicate mappings.
Project is open for suggestions and fixes, which you can propose through issues or pull requests.
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Project is still in progress and will most likely be for a long time. Thus, if what you need is stability and the very same functionality (possibly much more), following would be recommend:
These configurations are stunning, fast and will provide everything you need -- long term stability as the most up to date functionalities you might want.