Hi I'm cts aka gf_256. I'm too lazy to setup and host a blog myself, so things I make usually end up (1) on the company blog; (2) in a Github gist; (3) in a Github repo; or (4) in someone else's publication.
A lot of the things I write are too small to deserve a spot on the CV, but I still want them to be discoverable by search engines so they can help other people.
- tldw.tube — Too Long, Didn't Watch! YouTube video summarizer — ⭐ [Featured on HN]
- Reverse Engineering an Ableton Crack — ⭐ [Featured on HN]
- Calling All Hackers — ⭐ [Featured on HN]
- This bug doesn’t exist on x86: How to exploit a double free - ⭐ [Featured on HN]
- The Auditooor Grindset
- Infosec Resources guide
- CVE-2020-15368 aka How to exploit a vulnerable driver
- WINNIE: COTS Windows fuzzing with fork() (NDSS'21)
- Binary Ninja Signature Libraries (2020)
- Funny tweets
- Bad Post Firewall
- Flare-On Challenge 2024: Videos
- Flare-On Challenge 2024 Writeups
- Hooking nvml - (Gist)
- Fixing Windows Update error 0x80071AB1 (ERROR_LOG_GROWTH_FAILED)
- How to fix microsoft connection status indicator (NCSI)
- Smart Contract Fiesta
- Vyper compiler bug bad contracts
- MPC From Scratch
- Formal Verification of Wrapped ETH (WETH9)
- Game hacking livestream
- Playing Minesweeper with Z3 SMT solver
- CVE-2021-3156 (sudo heap overflow) Exploit
- Fuzzing@Home (RAID '22)
- perfect blue CTF writeups
- TL-Fuzz: Fuzzing with instruction-level taint tracing (2020)
- CS 3210: Aarch64 Type 1 Hypervisor & Operating System (2020)
- PlaidCTF 2020: That's a Lot of Fish (2020)
- CS 3220: RISC pipelined processor for Altera FPGA (2020)
- Retargetable Tiger to MIPS compiler (2019)
- LC-2200 LLVM backend (2019)
- Restoring an old IMSAI 8080 (2019)
- Sneaking into Black Hat (2019)
- gwcc: C to LC-3 compiler (2019)
- groovy fruit punch fiesta - curta 2023 - [Writeup]
- Just-in-time - paradigm ctf 2022 - [Writeup]
- Fun reversing challenge - paradigm ctf 2022
- chatterbox - csaw ctf 2021 finals
- babykernel - pbctf 2021
- Kokoro - pbctf 2020 - [Writeup]
- Jiang Ying's Disassembler - pbctf 2020 - [Writeup]
- Out of Order - pbctf 2021 - [Writeup]
- J U S T - pbctf 2021
- catharsis - pbctf 2021
- toxic - pbctf 2022/3 - [Writeup] [Writeup 2]
- Move VM - pbctf 2022/3
- Seesaw - CSAW ctf 2022 finals