Trackerboy v0.3.0
- Note previews when inputting notes in the pattern editor
- Pattern repeat mode
- Step mode playback
- Input toolbar (set the octave and edit step)
- Instrument toolbar (combobox for the current instrument)
- Song menu, contains actions for adding/removing orders
- Sidebar widget, combines song settings + order editor
- Icon for configuration
- Keybinds for tracker actions (play, stop, etc)
- Add "play and stop" shortcut (pressing enter plays, pressing it again stops)
- No longer need to have record mode on when deleting, transposing, etc
(record mode now only applies to setting notes, instruments and effects) - Arpeggio editor graph is now centered at 0
- Moved stuff from PatternEditor to separate toolbars
- Renamed Delete action in Edit menu to Erase
- View menu is now between Tracker and Window
- Fix "set volume on trigger" checkbox not updating when changing instruments
- Fix pattern previews not showing up on module load
- Fix order move up/down actions not disabling/enabling when user changes patterns
- Setting a note cut does not set the instrument column
- PatternEditor toolbar (now is part of the main application toolbar)
- Order increment/decrement and set controls