Main language: C
prints out last 10 prime numbers less than 300 000 000 for which it uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes build generates two files:
- primes - uses macros for operations on bitsets
- primes-i uses inline functions for the same thing
prints secret message hidden in du1-obrazek.ppm
- secret message is hidden at LS bits of bytes located at prime number indexes (starting with 29)
- every eight LSB make up to one byte of the secret starting with LSB
- make to build all executable files
- make run to build and run primes and primes-i
- make zip to create a zip (just for the assignement)
- make clean to clean all build files
Try running:
make && ./steg-decode du1-obrazek.ppm
to reveal the secret message hidden in the picture