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ClrMamePro Comparison

stoj edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 2 revisions


  • Same features (with simpler names)
    1. Cleaner - equivalent of Scanner.. responsible for ensuring your collection is correct and minimal.
    2. Merger - equivalent of Rebuilder.. responsible for importing new content into your collection.
  • Workflow
    1. Run Merger - import new files.
    2. Run Cleaner - confirm your collection is 'clean' (based on user preferences).
  • Results
    1. Results - interactive screen.
    2. Statistics.
    3. Logs.


  • Extra features
    1. Feeder - check for online content to see if there is any updated content of interest.
    2. Explorer - navigate your collection based on user defined filters.
    3. Modern UI - an interactive UI based on the Google's Material Design using a dark theme.
  • Absent features
    1. ClrVpin DOES NOT update any ROMs This is a deliberate decision as their is no need to update/maintain ROM files when so many existing Mame related tools perform this job (e.g. ClrMamePro, romcmp, etc).
    2. The 'source of truth' are NOT dat files containing file checksums. Such a thing does not exist in the Visual Pinball world (yet!). Instead the 'source of truth' is two fold..
    3. Your local PinballY (open source) or Visual Pinball X (open source) database file(s) - which are automatically maintained as you add/remove/update tables via ClrVpin or the frontend.
    4. VPS feed - meticulously maintained (by an open source community) to track online pinball content updates.