This repository holds several explanations of ExploreDTI scripts.
- Note that several scripts need editing depending on your data!!
- With help from the ExploreDTI forum;!forum/e_dti
- Also credits to Mark Drakesmith (CUBRIC);
dti_filename = E_DTI_Script_Get_DTI_folders(source_dir,target_dir)
- source_dir = Source directory containing folders of DICOMs
- target_dir = Directory to save DTI .mat file
- dti_filename = Filename of the output .mat file.
- t1_filename_new= 'full_path_to_nii_file'. t1_filename_new= 'full_path_to_new_nii_file'.
- param=[];
- param.suff= '_FP';
- param.permute= [1 2 3];
- param.flip= [0 0 0];
- param.force_voxel_size = [2 2 2];
... has some work...
- Use "textread" (or something equivalent) to read the *.bval/bvec files.
- If you define the b-values (N x 1) as "bval" and b-vectors (N x 3) as "bvec", then the b-matrix (N x 6) - defined as "B" - is equal to:
B = bval(:,ones(1,6)).*[bvec(:,1).^2 2*bvec(:,1).*bvec(:,2) 2*bvec(:,1).*bvec(:,3) bvec(:,2).^2 2*bvec(:,2).*bvec(:,3) bvec(:,3).^2];
Then write it to a text file "B_matrix.txt" with:
for i=1:size(B,1)
fprintf(fid, '%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\t%12.8f\n',B(i,:));
- fi_SB = full path to nifti _FP file; fullfile(Dir_Main, Dir_nii,[tmp_subj '_FP.nii']);
- fo_SB = full path to nifti _FP_SB file; fullfile(Dir_Main, Dir_nii,[tmp_subj '_FP_SB.nii']);
- Note that the second parameter has become redundant
- t1_filename_new= 'full_path_to_nii_file'.
- paramaters.mfs=3; % Kernel size: 3
- paramaters.Threshold=0.02; % Threshold: 0.02 You can play around with the threshold based on the SNR of your data, but I found that this suggested value works ok- it’s a 2% threshold
E_DTI_quick_and_dirty_DTI_convert_from_nii_txt_to_mat(f_DWI, f_BM, f_mat, Mask_par, NrB0, perm, flip)"
- f_DWI= *.nii(.gz) file name of the DWIs
- f_BM= *.txt file name of the B-matrix
- f_mat= *.mat file name of the DTI output
- Mask_par= contains masking parameters... tune them at will:
- Mask_par.tune_NDWI = 0.7; % (rough range: [0.3 1.5])
- Mask_par.tune_DWI = 0.7; % (rough range: [0.3 1.5])
- Mask_par.mfs = 5; % (uneven integer)
- NrB0= number of b=0 s/mm^2 images (note: these should be at the beginning of the 4D *.nii(.gz) file)
- perm = having values 1, 2, ... or 6
- flip = having values 1, 2, ... or 4 (order is the same as in the pop-up window when converting *.nii/txt to *.mat)
with these arguments:
- "A" is path of folder of *.nii masks (AND/NOT/OR ROIs = value: 1/2/3 with 0 for background) - only one ROI per *.nii mask.
- "B" is path of tracts *.mat file name.
- "C" is path of DTI *.mat file name.
- "D" is path of output (analyzed) tracts *.mat file name.
- "E" is 0 (no) or 1 (yes) for "segment only" option (works on the "outer" AND ROIs).
- "F" is length range (in units mm) option (e.g., [0 inf] or [50 500]).
- parameter_filename = name of the text file containing the parameters for the SM/EC/EPI correction. The file is as saved in the GUI using Settings > SM/EC/EPI correction > Export parameter file.
- par.RESTORE_option = 1;
- par.TE.NS = 4;
- par.TE.TS = 4;
- par.R2D.type = 3;
- par.R2D.FN = '_T1_FP_masked.nii';
- par.R2D.contrast = 2;
- par.EPI.Num_Resol = 4;
- par.EPI.Deriv_Scales = [1 0 0];
WholeBrainTracking_dRL_SH_FOD(dti_filename, tracts_filename, paramaters);
- dti_filename = Name of the DTI .mat file
- tracts_filename = Name of the output tracts .mat file
- paramaters = a structure containing the parameter for the tractography algorithm;
Below are the parameters with suggested values for dRL
- paramaters.SeedPointRes = [2 2 2]
- paramaters.StepSize = 1
- paramaters.FODThresh = 0.0500
- paramaters.AngleThresh = 45
- paramaters.FiberLengthRange = [20 500]
- paramaters.lambda = 0.0019
- paramaters.beta = 1.777405329610160e-04
- paramaters.iter = 200
- paramaters.rr = 8
- paramaters.nn = 0.0400
WholeBrainTrackingDTI(filename_in, filename_out, parameters);
- paramaters.SeedPointRes = [3 3 3]
- paramaters.StepSize = 1
- paramaters.FAThresh = 0.2000
- paramaters.AngleThresh = 45
- paramaters.FiberLengthRange = [50 500]
WholeBrainTrackingCSD_fast(filename_in, filename_out, parameters);
- paramaters.SeedPointRes = [2 2 2]
- paramaters.StepSize = 1
- paramaters.AngleThresh = 30
- paramaters.FiberLengthRange = [50 500]
- p.f_in = 'C:\Data\Sub_01_MD_C_native.mat'; % Change to your own input DTI file name.
- p.f_out = 'C:\Data\Sub_01_MD_C_native_Tracts_CSD.mat'; % Change to your own output CSD tracts file name.
- p.SeedPointRes = [2 2 2]; % Seed point resolution in mm.
- p.StepSize = 1;
- p.AngleThresh = 30;
- p.lmax = 8; % for number of directions below 45 (and above 28), set to "6".
- p.FiberLengthRange = [50 500];
- p.blob_T = 0.1; % this is the FOD threshold (is somewhat equivalent to the FA threshold with DTI)
- p.randp = 1;
- p.t = 0.01; % Equal to "PR" variable in
- = 10; % Number of iterations.
- p.suf = 5; % Speed up factor (integer value > 0): 1 = slowest, 2 = faster, etc.(larger than 5, reliability may go down).
- p.FA_t = 0.01; % The initial "fat" response function needs a slightly anisotropic shape (realistic range: [0.01 0.1])
E_DTI_Export_Tract_Volume_Info(nii_filename, tracts_filename,dti_filename, output_directory);
- nii_filename = NIFTI image of volume to sample (must be in same space as DTI data)
- tracts_filename = Tracts .mat filename
- dti_filename = DTI .mat filename
- output_directory = Directory to save results to
- dti_filename = name of the DTI .mat file
- tracts_filename = name of the DTI tracts .mat file
- img_filename = name of another image modality (e.g. MWM; in the same space as the DTI data) to estimate weights for. Use [] to disable.
- A_T = 3D volume of the atlas (e.g. AAL) reference template. Note this volume must be read into MATLAB using the command: A_T=E_DTI_load_nii(‘template_filename’)
- A_L = 3D volume of the atlas (e.g. AAL) labels. As above, the volume need to be loaded into MATLAB * A_L=E_DTI_load_nii(‘labels_filename’)
- L = cell array of label names for each region in A_L.
- VDims_A = 1×3 vector of atlas label dimension.
- mat_dir = Directory to save the connectivity matrices
- img_suffix = Suffix for other imaging filename (e..g "_MWM.nii"). Use [] to disable.
- selected_labels = a n_labelsx2 matrix of pairs of label indices to create an individual tract .mat file for that pair of labels. Use [] to disable. Use nchoosek(1:n_atlas_labels,2) to output for every pair of labels.
- ACh = Which criteria to use determine connectivity: 1 = PASS, 2=END, 3=BOTH
E_DTI_Network_analysis_exe(dti_files, tract_files, vol_files, A_T, A_L, Lab, VDims_T, out_folder, vol_ext, selected_labels, ACh, Temp_fol)
with these arguments
- dti_files = name of DTI *.mat file
- tract_files = name of tract *.mat file
- vol_files = [] (set empty)
- A_T = 3D matrix of atlas template. To get this variable, do:
- [A_T, VDims_T] = E_DTI_load_nii(file_name_of_template_nii_file); % see templates folder in ExploreDTI
- A_T = double(A_T);
- A_T = A_T/max(A_T(:));
- A_L = 3D matrix of atlas labels (zero = background, regions with values: 1, 2, 3, …, N)
- Lab = cell array with label names, row number corresponds to label value in A_L (e.g. Lab{1,1} = 'Some_structure'; Lab{2,1} = 'Some_other_structure'; etc)
- VDims_T = voxel size of atlas template (see above)
- out_folder = output folder
- vol_ext = ‘’ (set empty)
- selected_labels = [] (keep empty)
- ACh = 1 (PASS) or 2 (END)
- Temp_fol = temporary folder
- full_path_to_mat_file= Full path to the mat file generated by ExploreDTI
- MDC_sum= [RotX RotY RotZ TransX TransY TransZ ScaleX ScaleY ScaleZ SkewX SkewY SkewZ] rotations x-y-z (degrees); translations x-y-z (mm); scales x-y-z ; skews x-y-z
Or use the per DW image volume "i" parameters as defined by the variable "DM_info":
- RotX(i) = DM_info{i}{1}(1,1);
- RotY(i) = DM_info{i}{1}(1,2);
- RotZ(i) = DM_info{i}{1}(1,3);
- TransX(i) = DM_info{i}{1}(2,1);
- TransY(i) = DM_info{i}{1}(2,2);
- TransZ(i) = DM_info{i}{1}(2,3);
- ...
suc = E_DTI_Gibbs_Ringing_removal_with_TV_exe(f_in,f_out,p);
suc = "1" (success!) and "0" (something went wrong...)
f_in = 'F:\Data\Temp\DWIs.nii'; % Full path input *.nii file name.
f_out = 'F:\Data\Temp\DWIs_GR_corrected.nii'; % Full path output file name.
p.NrB0 = 5; % The GR tool corrects only for the first "p.NrB0" volumes. Typically, the b=0 s/mm^2 images are affected most (so it was initially designed to correct only the "p.NrB0" non-DWIs in the beginning of the *.nii file), but you could also apply it to all DWI volumes (set "p.NrB0" then as the total number of DWIs). For the following parameter settings, see the paper:
p.lambda = 100; % rough range: [10 150] depending on voxel size / SNR etc.
p.iter = 100; % Idem... [10 200]
- = 0.01; % Idem... [0.005 0.05]
p.ip = 3; % Has value "1" (coronal), "2" (sagittal) or "3" (axial) for the acquisition plane.
Plugins -> Export stuff to *.nii files -> single -> DWIs with B0(s).
E_DTI_Convert_mat_2_nii(filename_in, output_folder, {'DWIs with B0(s) (''_DWIs.nii'')'});
- filename_in= .mat file
- output_folder= Directory to save .nii files to
- DWIs with B0(s) - which data???
- (''_DWIs.nii'') - suffix for .nii data
E_DTI_Convert_Tract_mats_2_xls(full_path_folder_name, full_path_txt_file_name)
- full_path_folder_name= Directory with mat files
- full_path_txt_file_name= Output txt file
KA = E_DTI_Kurtosis_Anisotropy(KT,DT)
- with "KT" and "DT" from the *.mat file
- KA = Kurtosis Anisotropy