Recursively search files with Omnis Studio
Omnis-FileSearch contains an ObjectClass containing methods to search recurively for files in a given folder
This repository includes the following:
lib/ (non-unicode): Demo Library created with Omnis Studio Non-Unicode Version
lib/ Demo Library created with Omnis Studio
lib/ Demo Library created with Omnis Studio
lib/ Demo Library created with Omnis Studio
src/8.1: JSON Export of the Omnis Studio 8.1 Demo Library
For Omnis Studio Version 8.1
- Start Omnis Studio.
- With the libraries node selected in the Studio Browser, press the New Lib from JSON hyperlink, set the JSON Tree Path to the OMNIS-2020 folder (containing demo library exported as JSON) and select a location for your new library.
- Press Import and the demo library should be ready to use.