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A Node.JS bot that automatically runs Jenkins builds for new, and updated, GitHub Pull Requests.


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Mergeatron is a Node.js bot that monitors a GitHub account for new, and updated, Pull Requests. When it finds any it will kick off a Jenkins build and reply to the Pull Request with a thumbs up, or down, depending on success or failure.

Mergeatron is intended to assist with reviewing Pull Requests by providing, at a glance, information on whether or not it passes your automated tests.


Installation Instructions

	git clone
	npm install


	npm install mergeatron
	// Copy config.sample.js to config.js and update accordingly
	node mergeatron.js

Configuring Mergeatron

To configure Mergeatron copy the config.sample.js file to config.js in the same directory. The settings you will need to change are:

  • db - This contains the database provider you wish to use and any connection information for it. For more information on the drivers user: mongojs, mysql.
  • db.type - Either "mongo" for MongoDB or "mysql" for MySQL..
  • db.auth - An object containing user, pass, host, and port options for logging into the database. All must be provided.
  • db.database - The name of the database that Mergeatron should use.
  • plugins_dir - This is the directory where the plugins live. Chances are you won't need to change this.
  • log_level - The level of logging you want to be printed to the console.

Mergeatron comes with multiple different plugins you can opt to use. By default any plugin found in your config.js will be included and run. If you want to disable a certain plugin you can either remove it or add enabled: false to that plugins configuration.

  • jenkins.protocol - Either http or https depending on your setup.
  • - The host of the URL, without backslash, to your Jenkins install.
  • jenkins.projects - The list of projects you want Jenkins to build
  • - The name of the project within Jenkins you want to build.
  • jenkins.projects.token - This is a token you setup with your project. In your job configuration, within Jenkins, look for the option labeled 'Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)'.
  • jenkins.projects.repo - The name of the repo this project should build for.
  • jenkins.projects.rules - An array of regular expressions that will be run against each file name in the pull request. A jenkins build will only be triggered if at least one file matches at least one rule.
  • jenkins.frequency - The frequency, in milliseconds, to poll Jenkins for updated build information. Increasing this will increase the time between when a build is started and Mergeatron knows it finished. Decreasing it too low can cause your Jenkins server to come under heavy load.
  • github.method - Either "hooks" or "polling". If "hooks" you'll need to configure the github.port option and make sure this port is available to GitHub to post to. If "polling" you'll need to configure github.frequency for how often to poll their REST API.
  • github.auth.user - The username of the GitHub user Mergeatron will be logging in, and posting, as. This user must have visibility to your repos Pull Requests.
  • github.auth.pass - The password for the GitHub user Mergeatron will be using.
  • github.user - The user whose GitHub repo Mergeatron will be checking for Pull Requests. Does not need to be the same as the github.auth.user user.
  • github.repos - The list of repositories you want Mergeatron to keep an eye on.
  • github.skip_file_listing - A boolean flag indicating whether or not Mergeatron should fetch the files modified and diffs for every pull request.
  • github.retry_whitelist - An optional list of GitHub users who are able to trigger retries for builds. Exclude if everyone is allowed to.
  • github.frequency - The frequency, in milliseconds, with which to poll GitHub for new and updated Pull Requests. Be mindful of your API rate limit when setting this.
  • github.port - The port you want to allow GitHub to post to.
  • - Optional parameter to set the host for the GitHub REST API. This should only be needed if you're running GitHub Enterprise and can be excluded entirely otherwise.
  • github.api.port - Optional parameter to set the port for the GitHub REST API. This should only be needed if you're running GitHub Enterprise and can be excluded entirely otherwise.
  • phpcs.artifact - The name of the artifact file that contains PHP Code Sniffer results. If no artifact with this name is found the plugin won't do anything.
  • phpunit.artifact - The name of the artifact file that contains PHPUnit results. Currently Mergeatron assumes the results are in junit format.
  • phpunit.failure_limit - The maximum number of verbose error messages to display in the failure comment.

Setting Up GitHub

There are two ways you can use the GitHub plugin. You can either have it poll GitHub's REST API periodically looking for changes. The downside to this approach is that it's very inefficienct, especially if you have a low volume of Pull Requests or if pull requests can sit for a while before being merged or closed. You also run into issues with rate limiting if you have too much activity or poll too frequently.

Alternatively you can use GitHub's webhooks and let them push new and updated pull requests to you. This is far more efficient but does mean you have to open a port for them to connect to. They provide the list of public IPs they post from so you can lock down the port for increased security.

To configure your setup for polling you need to set github.method to "polling" and will want to tweak the github.frequency setting to match how often you want to poll their API. Keep in mind they do have rate limiting so don't make it too frequent. The default here, or higher, should be pefectly fine.

To configure your setup for webhooks you need to set github.method to "hooks" and set github.port to the port number you're opening for them. You'll also need to setup he webhook with GitHub. You can execute nodejs bin/github_setup.js and provide the details it asks for to set one you. You'll want to read their documentation for more information on webhooks.

Configuring Jenkins

To configure Jenkins you will need to make sure you have the appropriate git plugin installed. I'm assuming you already know how to do that and already have it up and running successfully. Once you do, follow the below steps.

Use the sample - sample/JenkinsSampleJob/config.xml

  • Create a directory in your jenkins install, under the jobs dir, with whatever you'd like the job to be called.
  • Copy the file sample/JenkinsSampleJob/config.xml to that directory.
  • Reload the files from the disk / Restart jenkins
  • Edit the following fields to your values:
    • Auth token
    • Shell script to fix the Repo url's.
    • Shell to do whatever you'd like it to do.

Manual version

  • Check the box labeled 'This build is parameterized' and create the following string parameters:
  • REPOSITORY_URL - SSH Url to the git repo (default:`.git)
  • BRANCH_NAME - The name of the branch to use (default: origin/master)
  • JOB - The unique ID of each job. Jenkins doesn't return their ID so we have to use this to search for the job later
  • PULL - The id of the pull request
  • Check the box labeled 'Execute concurrent builds if necessary'.
  • Check the box labeled 'Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)' and enter the jenkins.token token you specified in your Mergeatron configs.
  • Provide the following shell script as a build step:
git status || (git clone . && git remote add upstream

git clean -fdx
git reset --hard HEAD

git fetch upstream
git checkout upstream/master

git remote set-url origin ${REPOSITORY_URL}
git remote prune origin
git fetch origin
git merge origin/${BRANCH_NAME}

git submodule update --init

  • Update the above shell script to have the proper references to your master branch.

Extending Mergeatron

Mergeatron is built with extensibility in mind. To help achieve this it's been built around events instead of direct calls between plugins. This enables you to easily write any plugin you want that listens on the existing events and/or emits your own that others can use.

Any file found in your configured plugins_dir directory is assumed to be a plugin and will be loaded unless disabled via your config.js file. To turn off a plugin just provide an entry for it under the plugins config with enabled: false. The file will then not be included.

All plugins are expected to export an init function that is executed and passed two parameters. The first is your plugins config settings and the second is a Mergeatron object. The Mergeatron object contains a reference to mongo but, more importantly, is also an EventEmitter. You can bind your listeners to this object and use it to emit events.

Below is a very basic example:

exports.init = function(config, mergeatron) {
    // Do some stuff we want to execute once on startup/init

    mergeatron.on('build.started', function(job_id, job, build_url) {
        console.log(job_id + ' has started building!');


  • pull.found - This is the first event emitted in a builds life cycle. It allows any listening plugins to check the build to make sure it should be handled.
  • pull.validated - If a build should be acted upon this event will be emitted. It allows any listening plugins to setup the build for processing. This means persisting it to a temporary, or permenant, data store of their choice and doing any other setup work they need to.
  • pull.processed - Once a build has been pre-processed it is ready to be built. When that happens this event is emitted. Any listening plugins can start the build.
  • build.started - This event is emitted when the build has been started.
  • build.succeeded - This event is emitted when a build was successful.
  • build.failed - This event is emitted when a build has failed.
  • pull.inline_status - This event is emitted when a plugin is announcing that something was found on a specific line of a files diff within the build.
  • build.artifact_found - This event is emitted once for each artifact found after the build has finished. Plugins receive the URL to the artifact and can download and act upon it if wanted.


  • Please use topic branches when submitting pull requests. Please don't submit PR's from master.
  • Take care to follow the existing style. We have no formal style guide as of yet, but follow the idiomatic JS principle of: "All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, no matter how many people contributed."
  • We use grunt to manage the build. Make sure you run grunt before submitting a pull request, as this will run jshint on the code. If you want continuous linting on file save, use grunt watch.


A Node.JS bot that automatically runs Jenkins builds for new, and updated, GitHub Pull Requests.







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