This repository was created for the Smart Robotics Lab at the University of Nevada, Reno. It is the companion repository to ROS_ur3ehand.
PlatformIO Arduino code to allow the University of Nevada, Reno Smart Robotics Lab's TSA-Driven Soft Robotic Hand to send and receive ROS messages for external control.
The experimental branch shows efforts to parse long-form messages to control individual motors, their setpoints, and trigger macro commands.
The pickplacePoC branch shows simplified, non-complex messaging in which messages consist of a single character sent via ROS to trigger exclusively high-level commands for purpose of a basic pick-and-place demonstration using the hand mounted to a Universal Robots UR3e manipulator.
Use of this code requires installation of the ROSserial packages, which can be installed with:
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-rosserial ros-<distro>-rosserial-arduino ros-<distro>-rosserial-python
and the rosserial client library for Arduino, which can be installed to the target directory with:
git clone
Note: The roslib Arduino library is already included in the 'lib' folder in this repo
Once configured, a rosserial Python node can be launched using:
rosrun rosserial_python <port_name>
In general, this will be:
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
Messages can be sent to the Arduino via ROS in the form:
rostopic pub arduino std_msgs/String <command>
Callback messages from the Arduino can be seen using:
rostopic echo /chatter
For full details of the integration of the gripper with the UR3e manipulator, view this repository's companion repository.
If ROS informs the user that permission to access a port is denied, try running:
sudo chmod a+rw <port_name>
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0