This repo contains my submitted and evaluated homeworks for the Deep Learning course at UniPD - DEI 2021/22.
Implementation of the backpropagation algorithm of the perceptron and a two-layer network, with sigmoid and mean squared error.
Training for the handwritten digits dataset (MNIST dataset) using softmax and cross entropy loss function.
Notebook: HW1
Text classification with Tensorflow and Keras on the AG News Subset, dealing with overfitting.
Regularization methods as L1-norm, L2-norm, early stopping. Tuning of hyper-parameters using model selection and Grid Search.
Notebook: HW2
Development of a simple Convolutional Neural Network for image classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Use of Tensorflow and Keras for hyper-parameters selection to obtain better models.
Notebook: HW3
Development of simples Recurrent Neural Networks for sentiment analysis using the IMDB dataset.
Introduction and testing of the Transformer model and its parameters.
Notebook: HW4
Comparison between Single Value Decomposition and different types of Autoencoders on CIFAR-10 dataset.
Linear and non-Linear Autoencoders for sequences with the IMDB dataset.
Notebook: HW5
Development of Variational Autoencoders with the MNIST Dataset.
Ad-Hoc layer and custom training step exploration.
Notebook: HW6