Over the past few years we are seeing the end of free speech and the battle for communication control. Censorship, fact checking and surveillance are quickly becoming the norm. The end of free speech leads to the end of democracy as we know it.
Cyber Witness is a P2P community of independent reporters and witnesses - an alternative to mass media. Reporters publish events they have personally seen with no interpretation. Until confirmed they show up as rumors. Witnesses confirm rumors they have witnessed and add their own details. Event details aggregate and become more accurate with the input of each new witness. Once a rumor has been confirmed by at least 2 witnesses it becomes news. The more witnesses the greater accuracy of news.

Provide details about the event.
Browse reported events, confirm what you have witnessed and provide more details.
The more witnesses the better the accuracy the higher the chance a rumor is real news.
Your personal news feed at your fingertips. All witnessed. No ads, paywalls, censorship or fact checkers.
Anonymity guarantees everyone is protected.
No centralized control, no fact checkers and no ads.
The simulator runs on the public IPFS network. In order to play it follow the steps below:
Install the official IPFS Desktop http://docs.ipfs.io/install/ipfs-desktop/
Install IPFS Companion http://docs.ipfs.io/install/ipfs-companion/
Clone https://github.com/stateless-minds/kubo to your local machine, build it with
make build
and run it with the following command:~/cmd/ipfs/ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment
Follow the instructions here to open your config file: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/master/docs/config.md. Usually it's
on Linux. Add the following snippet to theHTTPHeaders
"API": {
"HTTPHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": ["webui://-", "http://localhost:3000", "http://k51qzi5uqu5dlk6jzkipcho28z9v1v1fogi2sw5il1t1tilklfn573kbtuw6o3.ipns.localhost:8080", "", "https://webui.ipfs.io"],
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": ["true"],
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": ["PUT", "POST"]
Navigate to Cyber Witness and let's simulate the future together!
If you like the simulator consider pinning it to your local node so that you become a permanent host of it while you have IPFS daemon running
Please note the simulator has been developed on a WQHD resolution(2560x1440) and is currently not responsive or optimized for mobile devices. For best gaming experience if you play in FHD(1920x1080) please set your browser zoom settings to 150%.
Stateless Minds (c) 2022 and contributors
MIT License