Heidelberg University; HITS gGmbH
- Heidelberg
- https://jmbuhr.de/
- @jmbuhr@mastodon.online
- @jmbuhr
- @jmbuhr.de
- Pro
Prettier quickfix/location list windows for NeoVim
A plugin to visualise and resolve merge conflicts in neovim
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
🧠 💪 // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
Markdown grammar for tree-sitter
✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
A neovim plugin for interactively running code with the jupyter kernel. Fork of magma-nvim with improvements in image rendering, performance, and more