🔮 Future ideas
WTF Solidity 极简入门教程,供小白们使用。Now supports English! 官网: https://wtf.academy
Ultimate Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract - Beginner to Expert Full Course | Python Edition
⟠ A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we're going to build a Web 3.0 React Solidity Blockchain Application
The ultimate NextJS Ethereum Dapp Boilerplate which gives you maximum flexibility and speed. Feel free to fork and contribute. Although this repo is called "Ethereum Boilerplate" it works with any …
Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with Javascript
DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps development, resources and references!
A guide to smart contract security best practices
A collection of smart contract vulnerabilities along with prevention methods
OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
Examples of Solidity security issues
Best resources for Solidity gas optimizations ⛽
🏗 forkable Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations
A list of FREE resources to make Web3 accessible to everyone.
Sea protocol is the ultimate DEX base on order-book & AMM on Aptos & Sui.Anybody has the right to trade any asset anywhere, anytime!
Uniswap arbitrage problem analysis
崩坏:星穹铁道脚本 | StarRailAssistant轻量化分支 | 锄大地自动化
TikTok 发布/喜欢/合辑/直播/视频/图集/音乐;抖音发布/喜欢/收藏/收藏夹/视频/图集/实况/直播/音乐/合集/评论/账号/搜索/热榜数据采集工具
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刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
🔥 1Panel offers an intuitive web interface for managing websites, files, containers, databases, and LLMs within a Linux server.
Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
[🔥updating ...] AI 自动量化交易机器人(完全本地部署) AI-powered Quantitative Investment Research Platform. 📃 online docs: https://ufund-me.github.io/Qbot ✨ :news: qbot-mini: https://github.com/Charmve/iQuant
A Javascript AI getting started stack for weekend projects, including image/text models, vector stores, auth, and deployment configs
🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more