Blazing Fast JavaScript Raster Processing Engine
Geospatial resources for web development 🌍 🗺️
A performant binary encoding for geographic data based on flatbuffers
Openlayers plugin for rendering remote vector tile sets in `MBTiles` format
Supports drawing/editing a circle on a Mapbox map.
Demo vector tiles and map style for web, helloworld and CI tests @MapLibre. Hosted directly on GitHub Pages, serverless, no keys.
Pyramids of map tiles in a single file on static storage
Creating and hosting serverless maps
Render contour lines from raster DEM tiles in maplibre-gl-js
Spherical Mercator math in Javascript
This module is to get elevation from terrain RGB / terrarium tilesets by longitude and latitude.
Sync movement between two Mapbox GL maps
Simulate terrain and structure shadows in a custom map layer
Simulate terrain and structure shadows in a custom Leaflet layer
Custom mode for Mapbox GL Draw that adds the functionality to draw rectangles
Wrapper to use mapbox-gl with Composition API
Allows various text based vector formats to be used with maplibre
A collection of `xyz` raster sources for use in MapKit, QGIS, Mapbox/MapLibre Styles and various web mapping tools.
Spiderfy plugin for mapbox-gl and maplibre-gl.
measure, layer-group etc... in mapbox-gl
Length and area measurements with linestrings and polygons
Svelte bindings for the MapLibre mapping library
📍➡️ 🇩🇰 Convert longitude-latitude pairs to ISO 3166-1 codes quickly and locally
Serialize Mapbox Vector Tiles to binary protobufs in javascript.
This plugin is to add controls to your Maplibre for drawing powered by Terra Draw library.