With the following command the angular-cli will be installed globally in your machine:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Install the master branch using the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/starkkumarkk1611/Angular-Web-App.git
npm install
Start the Node REST API backend with the following command:
npm run server
This is a small Node REST API server.
To run the frontend Angular CLI:
npm start
The application is visible at port 4200: http://localhost:4200
- Get all tours: [GET] /api/tours
- Get tour by ID and Destination Location: [GET] /api/tours/:id
- Update any tour: [PUT] /api/tours/:id
- Making Login Request : [POST] /api/login
- ':id' is a variable
- Email : test@test.com
- Password : Test6201@