Step 1: Have the EOS table ready.
Make sure it covers the domain and the physics with the resolution you desired
If the Eos table has a out-of-date structure or you want a different domain or resultion, you can try to use weaklib/Distributions/UnitTests/EquationOfState/wlRewriteEquationOfStateTest.f90 to rewrite the Eos table. Otherwise, build a new Eos table.
Step 2: Edit the opacity table creating driver: weaklib/External/Utilities/Opacities/Bruenn85/wlCreateOpacityTable.f90 and compile the excutable.
Step 3: Move the excutable and Eos table to same directory and run the excutable.
Step 4: Test whether the opacity table is created correctly by runing interpolation test. Examples can be found under /Distributions/UnitTests/Opacities.
You can copy the following code and save it as '/weaklib/build.sh' and do '$source build.sh'. Note: change machine setting, 'summit', to the one you're running on. (Check Distributions/Workflow/SetEnvironment.sh for the options)
cd External/Utilities/Opacities/Bruenn85/Executables
export WEAKLIB_DIR='../../../../../../weaklib'
source ../../../../../Distributions/Workflow/SetEnvironment.sh summit
[ -e TableCreatingLog ] && rm TableCreatingLog
make clobber
make wlCreateOpacityTable
[ -e wl-EOS-SFHo-15-25-50.h5 ] && rm wl-*.h5
ln -s ~/weaklib-tables/SFHo/LowRes/wl-EOS-SFHo-15-25-50.h5 .
./wlCreateOpacityTable_summit > TableCreatingLog
- R. Chu : rchu@vols.utk.edu