- Classification of leaf images such as Hypersensitive response (HR), normal, mosaic virus
- Visualization of filters and feature maps in leaf disease image classifiers
- In this way, we can visually identify which features have a significant impact on classification, and further extract the visual characteristics of the three kinds of leaf states.
- This repo is maintained by 오서영, 정명지
- Oct. 13, 2020
- 804 images belonging to 3 classes by using google image crawling
1. Baseline CNN with (32, 32) target size | Code
- 50 iterations, 1 batch
Train accuracy : 97.60%
Val accuracy : 96.63%
2. Baseline CNN with (128, 128) target size | Code
- 30 iterations, 1 batch
Train accuracy : 98.40%
Val accuracy : 97.19%
- First Conv2D kernel size is (5,5) and second, third are (3,3)
- 3 feature maps with test sample (mosaic virus)