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loo v2.7.0

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@jgabry jgabry released this 25 Feb 19:38
· 51 commits to master since this release

Major changes

  • New sample size specific diagnostic threshold for Pareto k.
    The pre-2022 version of the PSIS paper recommended diagnostic thresholds of
    k < 0.5 "good"
    0.5 <= k < 0.7 "ok"
    0.7 <= k < 1 "bad"
    k>=1 "very bad"
    The 2022 revision of the PSIS paper now recommends
    k < min(1 - 1/log10(S), 0.7) "good"
    min(1 - 1/log10(S), 0.7) <= k < 1 "bad"
    k > 1 "very bad"
    where S is the sample size.
    There is now one fewer diagnostic threshold ("ok" has been removed), and the
    most important threshold now depends on the sample size S. With sample sizes
    100, 320, 1000, 2200, 10000 the sample size specific part 1 - 1/log10(S)
    corresponds to thresholds of 0.5, 0.6, 0.67, 0.7, 0.75.
    Even if the sample size grows, the bias in the PSIS estimate dominates if
    0.7 <= k < 1, and thus the diagnostic threshold for good is capped at
    0.7 (if k > 1, the mean does not exist and bias is not a valid measure).
    The new recommended thresholds are based on more careful bias-variance analysis
    of PSIS based on truncated Pareto sums theory. For those who use the Stan
    default 4000 posterior draws, the 0.7 threshold will be roughly the same, but
    there will be fewer warnings as there will be no diagnostic message for 0.5 <= k < 0.7.
    Those who use smaller sample sizes may see diagnostic messages with a
    threshold less than 0.7, and they can simply increase the sample size to about
    2200 to get the threshold to 0.7.

  • No more warnings if the r_eff argument is not provided, and the
    default is now r_eff = 1. The summary print output showing MCSE and ESS now
    shows diagnostic information on the range of r_eff. The change was made to
    reduce unnecessary warnings. The use of r_eff does not change the expected
    value of elpd_loo, p_loo, and Pareto k, and is needed only to estimate
    MCSE and ESS. Thus it is better to show the diagnostic information about r_eff
    only when MCSE and ESS values are shown.

Other changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0