Releases: stajichlab/AAFTF
v0.4.1 release
Release v0.4.0
In this release we now report number of Telomeres recovered from Contigs in the assess
sub-tool. Default monomer TAA[C]+ is searched but custom regex can be passed in. assess
can also take gzip compressed FastA files as input without needing to uncompress the file.
Example assess report now looks like this after running AAFTF assess -i genome.fasta
TOTAL LENGTH = 19885575
MIN = 506
MAX = 1594688
MEDIAN = 4971
MEAN = 105214.68
L50 = 12
N50 = 536033
L90 = 45
N90 = 93073
GC% = 60.57
Release v0.3.4
- fix bug #19 for an errant space in pipeline step
Fixes a bug in version number.
Release 0.3.2
Release 0.3.2
This release fixes
- In assemble; Support --isolate and --careful option; --careful is default (as was in previous versions)
- updates environment.yml and requirements.txt to indicate additional packages needed
Release v0.3.1 bugfixes and enhancements
This release fixes bug in spelling of novoplasty, adds fastp options for trimming and merging reads, support for assembly/spades to run with unpaired + paired data.
There are now more extensive example of testing runs in the test folder. Future releases will sync conda/pypi installs and documentation additions.
v0.3.0 release supporting MT assembly targets
- Addresses some improvements to unique temporary dir names
- Still uses default sourmash older DB for genbank
- updates some options for pilon and running MT assembly on reads which map MT hits; working with novoplasty use --reference option to specify a reference MT genome to seed alignments
Still needed beyond this release
- additional documentation and test cases to demonstrate
- Additional polishing step support
Fix typo in v0.2.5
This is bugfix release updating v0.2.5 and should be used instead - it corrects a small typo fix.
Fixes for pilon memory and update assess report
Release version 0.2.5
This release addresses some small additions by adding extra cmdline options to pilon (--mem) and assemble (--tmpdir).
Features/Fixes Added
v0.2.3 release with bugfixes for restarting spades runs
Support restart of pipeline after stopped - will continue SPAdes run properly.