CUDA_Fortran_Sci_Eng Working through examples from the Cuda Fortran for Scientists and Engineers 2nd Edition Book Learning the NVIDIA HPC SDK / Cuda Fortran Table of Contents Ch_1 Introduction / Basic Concepts Ch_2 Correctness, accuracy, and debugging Ch_3 Performance measurement and metrics Ch_4 Synchronization Ch_5 Optimization Ch_6 Porting tips and techniques Ch_7 Interfacing with CUDA C code and CUDA libraries Ch_8 Multi-GPU programming PART 2 Case Studies Ch_9 Monte Carlo method Ch_10 Finite difference method Ch_11 Applications of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) Ch_12 Ray tracing Appendix (not incl. in repo) Some Examples from the Programming Guide The Cuda Fortran Programming Guide(both Versions 21.9, and 25.1) as well as the UsersGuide (with compilation info) are also incl. in this repo