Bitcoin price alert written in Express JS.
Inspired by Gilfoyle (Silicon Valley).
Define price level and when Bitcoin reaches it, alarm will let you know. Even though you may not have a mining rig at home that you need to remotely toggle, you would rather watch the paint dry than monitor exchanges all the time. If you want something simple, customizable, LOUD and efficient (fond of Gilfoyle also) you are in the right place. Otherwise, keep looking. Or just code your own notificator. I did.
Install dependencies:
npm install
npm start
Run development:
npm run dev
Open browser:
Application settings are stored in .env and config.js files. User data is saved in database.
Place your alarm sound in notifications folder. Make sure it's named "alarm.mp3". This is not required if alarm is silenced (see below how to do that). But what's the point then, right?
Add alert:
/add/<coin>/<target price>
Remove alert:
/remove/<coin>/<target price>
Change tolerance range:
/tolerance/<coin>/<price range>
Clear all price targets for coin:
Show target prices:
Show coin data like current price, volume, tolerance setting:
Turn alarm off:
Turn alarm back on:
Every API call will return status code and JSON object.
Start shell:
Select database:
show dbs
use bitcoin-alert
Show collections and data:
show collections
db.coins.deleteMany({coin: 'BTC'})
- Express - Node.js web application framework
- Cryptonator API - Cryptocurrencies exchange rates API
- MongoDB - free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database
This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.