Simple tool for enabling/disabling game controllers quickly.
My friend @detaybey gifted me the game INSIDE a couple of years ago. I started up the game and noticed that the guy was always running without me doing anything. I thought it was designed like that, went along with it, and died soon. Then I noticed it was getting analog input signals from my HOTAS joystick and registering them as moves, even though I didn't select it as an input device.
I wished then there were a tool that allowed me to disable and enable my HOTAS setup quickly. I could unplug the joystick or you know, disable it from Device Manager but they all felt cumbersome. So I went for the second best option and stopped playing INSIDE.
Yesterday, I fell asleep during the day and was wide awake at night. So I gave it a chance and developed this tool. I was looking forward on making something on WPF as I'm quite fond of it. I liked the development process a lot. So, essentially this is my first WPF app.
Please test it on different joysticks as I'm not sure how it will perform. Saitek setup is basically a hack and other brands might need different hacks as well. Unfortunately Windows doesn't provide an easy path to access correct identifiers of gaming devices, or even better a simpler API to disable/enable input devices.
This software is licensed with Apache License v2.0.