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A simple and lightweight Go package that helps you translate Go programs into languages supported by Discord.


  • Adapted from kaysoro/discordgo-i18n for easy use with disgo.
  • Supports multiple strings per key to make your bot "more alive".
  • Supports variables in strings using text/template syntax.
  • Supports JSON language files.


This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see this page first.

go get will always pull the latest tagged release from the master branch.

go get


Import the package into your project.

import i18n ""

Load a locale bundle.

err := i18n.LoadBundle(discord.LocaleFrench, "path/to/your/file.json")

The bundle format must respect the schema below; note text/template syntax is used to inject variables.
For a given key, value can be a:

  • string
  • string array to randomize translations
  • deep structure to group translations as needed.

If any other type is provided, it is mapped to string automatically.

    "hello_world": "Hello world!",
    "hello_anyone": "Hello {{ .anyone }}!",
    "image": "",
    "bye": ["See you", "Bye!"],
    "command": {
        "scream": {
            "name": "scream",
            "description": "Screams something",
            "dog": "Waf waf! 🐶",
            "cat": "Miaw! 🐱"

By default, the locale fallback used when a key does not have any translations is discord.LocaleEnglishGB. To change it, use the following method.


To get translations use the below thread-safe method; if any translation cannot be found or an error occurred even with the fallback, key is returned.

helloWorld := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "hello_world")
// Prints "Hello world!"

helloAnyone := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "hello_anyone")
// Prints "Hello {{ .anyone }}!"

helloAnyone = i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "hello_anyone", i18n.Vars{"anyone": "Nick"})
// Prints "Hello Nick!"

bye := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "bye")
// Prints randomly "See you" or "Bye!"

keyDoesNotExist := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "key_does_not_exist")
// Prints "key_does_not_exist"

dog := i18n.Get(discord.LocaleEnglishGB, "")
// Prints "Waf waf! 🐶"

To get localizations for a command name, description, options or other fields, use the below thread-safe method. It retrieves a map[discord.Locale]string based on the loaded bundles.

screamCommand := discord.SlashCommandCreate{
    Name:                     "scream",
    Description:              "Here a default description for my command",
    NameLocalizations:        i18n.GetLocalizations(""),
    DescriptionLocalizations: i18n.GetLocalizations("command.scream.description"),

Here an example of how it can work with interactions.

func HelloWorld(event *discord.EventsApplicationCommandInteractionCreate) {

    embed := discord.NewEmbedBuilder().
		SetTitle(i18n.Get(event.Locale(), "hello_world")).
		SetDescription(i18n.Get(event.Locale(), "hello_anyone",
			i18n.Vars{"anyone": event.Member().Nick})
		).SetImage(i18n.Get(event.Locale(), "image")).Build()
    err := event.CreateMessage(discord.NewMessageCreateBuilder().SetEmbeds(embed).Build())

    // ...


disgo-i18n is available under the same MIT license as the original project.