Once Clone the repository with run command
config remote with run command
- "git remote add origin https://github.com/srmarohit/interview-preparation.git"
checkout to develop branch
- git checkout develop
create new branch from develop regarding what you are going to do.
- git checkout -b <--person-->/<--work-->
- example : git checkout -b rohit/factorial
after creating branch create your own folder(folder name should have your name)
- create similar structure of folder as other developer have done.
first add or stage all of your changes using command
- git add .
then commit with an appropriate message like
- git commit -m "feat(factorial) : wap for factorial in python"
then push to the remote repository
- git push origin <--your branch name -->
- example : git push origin rohit/factorial
- For raising pull request, visit github repository website
- click on new pull request
- select develop branch into base dropdown box.
- select your recently pushed branch into compare dropdown box.
- click on create pull request.
- Once PR is done then you can see it into open pull request.
- You can see merge PR into closed PR list.
- Once Reviewer approve your PR then you can merge it .