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166 lines (135 loc) · 7.17 KB

File metadata and controls

166 lines (135 loc) · 7.17 KB

Organize Files by Date EXIF Metadata

A Python script to automatically organize files into nested timestamped folders based on creation date, EXIF data, or filename patterns.


This tool helps you categorize files—especially images and videos—into date-based folders. It uses EXIF metadata, file creation dates, and filenames to segregate your files into a three-level directory structure (Year/Month). If it cannot extract date information, the file is moved to an "Unknown" folder. Backup folders are also created with timestamps for safe storage.

Program can be run repeatedly on an output folder to segregate a new input folder and seamlessly merge the generated output with the existing output folder from a previous run.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using: pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the script with the following options:

python --input_dir <absolute_path_to_input_dir> --output_dir <absolute_path_to_output_dir> --verbose <0/1>


--input_dir : Directory containing the files to be segregated.
--output_dir : Directory where segregated files will be stored.
--verbose : Set to 1 to enable detailed logs (optional).

How it Works

  1. Backup: Creates timestamped backups of the input/output directories, which are sibling folders to these.
  2. Segregation: The program tries to compute month and year in a three stage approach as follows:
    • Stage 1- Filename: First the program looks for year in the folder name of a file's full path. If not found, it looks for year in the filename itself. If still not found, it moves to the next step. Else, a regex looks for month name in the filename failing which we try using exif for just the month, having already derived year from somewhere in the filepath. If exif doesn't give us the month properly, the file is stored directly in the year folder.
    • Stage 2- EXIF data: We use PyExifTool to extract date information (both month and year) from the file. In the previous stage, exif was used only for the month.
    • Stage 3- Creation date: In Windows, we use os.path.ctime() function to extract creation date. In Linux, this step is more unreliable. We first try stat.st_birthtime. If still not available, we use stat.st_mtime (modification time). This program itself may change the modification time, but it shouldn't be a problem since the file would be somewhere inside a "year" folder after execution, leading to stage 1 or 2 succeeding.
    • If all three stages fail, the file is moved to an "Unknown" folder.
  3. Folder Structure: Files are moved into Year/Month folders. If date extraction fails, they are placed in an "Unknown" folder. If only month extraction fails, they are placed directly in the "Year" folder.
  4. Logs: A file named assumptions.txt logs any assumptions made during segregation, such as months or years being guessed without much confidence.
  5. If the input folder does not exist, an error is thrown. If the output folder does not exist, a new one is created to store the output. If the output folder provided as an argument already existed before this program was run, the new output generated from input is merged with the existing output.
  6. After the program, the original input folder is deleted while the output folder contains the output or the combined output mentioned in the previous point. To restore original input/output folders, go to the backup folders created in step 1.
  7. Regardless of verbosity, the program prints file count of input/output folders before and after running.
  8. Note that files with the same name will be duplicated in the output folder with a numbered suffix, like (1) , (2), etc.

Sample Output


├── IMG_20210912_120000.jpg
├── embedded_exif_date_pic.png
├── video_2020.mp4
└── corrupted_pic.jpg

<output_dir> not existing

Run command: python --input_dir input_dir --output_dir output_dir


├── 2021/
│   └── Sep/
│       └── IMG_20210912_120000.jpg
│   └── Aug/
│       └── embedded_exif_date_pic.png
├── 2020/
│   └── video_2020.mp4
└── Unknown/
    └── corrupted_pic.jpg

In the above example, output_dir did not exist, so it was created. For video_2020.mp4, the program recognised the year from the filename, but no exif entry was found. For corrupted_pic.jpg, no date is mentioned in the
input's filepath, thus moved to "Unknown" folder. For embedded_exif_date_pic.png, the program used exif to extract the date information. For IMG_20210912_120000.jpg, the filename was used to extract the date.

Now consider the following input, after the previous run:

├── IMG_20220912_120000.jpg
├── embedded_exif_date_pic.png
└── corrupted_pic2.jpg

├── 2021/
│   └── Sep/
│       └── IMG_20210912_120000.jpg
│   └── Aug/
│       └── embedded_exif_date_pic.png
├── 2020/
│   └── video_2020.mp4
└── Unknown/
    └── corrupted_pic.jpg

Run command: python --input_dir new_input_dir --output_dir output_dir


├── 2022/
│  └── Sep/
│       └── IMG_20220912_120000.jpg
├── 2021/
│   └── Sep/
│       └── IMG_20210912_120000.jpg
│   └── Aug/
│       └── embedded_exif_date_pic.png
│       └─── embedded_exif_date_pic (1).png
├── 2020/
│   └── video_2020.mp4
└── Unknown/
    └── corrupted_pic.jpg
    └── corrupted_pic2.jpg

In the above example, output_dir already existed, so new generated output on new_input_dir would be merged into this existing output folder. embedded_exif_date_pic.png was renamed by adding a numbered suffix (1) since it already existed in output_dir. A new year and month folder was created in output_dir for IMG_20220912_120000.jpg (2022, Sep) to be stored. corrupted_pic2.jpg was added to Unknown folder.


You can run the tkinter based GUI by running the script: python, which simply uses this underlying code while providing folder pickers for the arguments, and disables verbosity. Usual console logs like directory stats will be logged as usual.


You can download the latest version of the executable from our Releases page. The exe behaves exactly the same as the GUI script. No need for setup, the exe is self-contained. In case Microsoft Defender throws any errors, exclude this file by following these steps . Alternatively, when Windows Defender shows a pop-up saying "Windows Protected your PC", then click "More Info" -> "Run anyway"

You can generate your own exe by following the setup steps, pip installing pyinstaller and then running pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole

A screenshot of the GUI and the exe can be seen below:
