This project aims to perform fruitful recommendations on big data of movie names using Apriori algorithm with pyspark and no inbuilt libraries.
Are the questions valid? Even if Valid How much chance in reality would increase the sale?
Yes they are valid and how they are valid or how much it would increase the sale is the interesting topic dealt by Aprirori algorithm.
It is one of the data mining algorithm in which rules of association are formed which are nothing but suggestions of arrangement in markets or movies that can be watched. (here apriori algorithm is used in later case).
2 textfiles in which one file denotes how many movies are watched by each user. And other textfile denotes what are these movies mapped to.
From these input files at first frequent itemsets of sizes 2,3,4 are created. This is based on number of most occurences of items, initially 2 sized items are created. From then 3 and 4 are created in iteration manner. (Note we calculate support in formation of frequent itemsets which will be used later).
Now association rules needed to be formed because these rules are suggestions depending on the situation where apriori algorithm is used.
Formation of rules are done by formula called confidence. The formulas are as below :-
. (Here support is used in calculating confidence with which we say validity of rule, if calculated confidence crosses threshold confidence then that rule is valid).
In the above picture A->B is a rule. where A and B are items and this rule says if A is watched then B will be recommended. But in this project case as 2,3 and 4 frequent itemsets are formed we get left size of the arrow to be elements of size 2,3 and 4.
Therefore we get many combinations of numerator and denominator and this is dealt by Backtracking algorithm.
The rules which have confidence above 0.85 are written to file.
A huge text file of Association rules of movies with confidences sorted in descending order.