To predict whether a person will survive the titanic crash given a set of features.
* SEX | Male or female |
* AGE | Age of the person |
* N_SIBLINGS_SPOUSES | Siblings and spouses on board |
* PARCH | Parents on board |
* FARE | Price of the ticket to board the ship |
* CLASS | First or Second or Third class |
* DECK | The location of his/her cabin |
* EMBARK_TOWN | The town from which they boarded the ship |
* ALONE | Whether the person was alone or not. |
- Given the above features we have to predict whether a person survived or not.
- survived(1) and didnt survive(0)
- We have to remove the features that doesnt add value.
- We have to remove the features like EMBARK_TOWN as it is immaterial where a person boarded the ship
- We can add the features N_SIBLINGS_SPOUSES and PARCH since they are nearly the same.
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Tree
- Support Vector Machine
- Random Forest
- Boosting(using decision tree)
- MLP Classfier
- Random Forest was selcted as the best model based on the F1_score.
- One drawback of Random Forest is that it is a bit slow
- If our aim is for faster training of the model, we can select the Decison Tree
- Decision Tree provides a good F1_score while the time taken to train is fastet than that of Random Forest.