- http://docs.mongodb.org/meta-driver/latest/legacy/mongodb-wire-protocol/
- http://craiggwilson.com/2013/12/10/mongodb-drivers-wire-protocol-1/
- Nginx (native)
- ngx_tcp_proxy_module
- ngx_websockify_module (which, despite its name, seems only to proxy)
- HAproxy
- Varnish (not explored)
- websockify (Python)
- minimal dependencies bar numpy, but hardcodes protocol to
- would need to be patched to be useful
- fallback flash socket unfortunately is not useful today (
& uses flash)
- minimal dependencies bar numpy, but hardcodes protocol to
- websockify (C)
- known bugs with large frame sizes
- websockify (Ruby, Clojure, Node-JS)
- wspipe, but for Node-JS
- ws-to-tcp-bridge, but for Node-JS
- websocket-tcp-forwarder, golang, but from first time go user
- libwebsockets
- has a sample server
- should be easy to adapt as a bridge if using poll
- tutorial here
- ideally, should be made a low-overhead process using libev or epoll
- seems to contain some libev code...
- WebTCP: A wrapper around websockets and various fallbacks
- Nginx Push module includes WebSockets
- compat table: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/
- AMD and CommonJS modules
- curl.js now dead, replaced with RavJS
- ReactJS
- ECMAScript 6 import statements
- bower for package management for browsers
- http://addyosmani.com/writing-modular-js/
- Wikipedia on AMD has several reasonable links
- mout
- Advanced JS modules and sub-modules: http://www.adequatelygood.com/JavaScript-Module-Pattern-In-Depth.html