School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Box 355020, Seattle WA 98195 phone: 206–866–5141 - email: - website:
Professional Preparation PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2002, Biological Sciences BSc, North Carolina State University, 1997, Natural Resources
Appointments 2013-present Associate Professor - University of Washington 2006–2013 Assistant Professor - University of Washington 2003–2006 Assistant Research Scientist - Marine Biological Laboratory, MA 2002–2003 Post-doctoral scholar – USDA NRI Fellowship
Research Interests Physiological response of aquatic species to environmental change with a particular focus on the relationship of transcriptomics, genetics, and epigenetic modifications. Current research efforts include characterizing the adaptive potential of native oysters in Puget Sound and the functional role of DNA methylation in aquacultured shellfish.
Dimond JL and Roberts SB (2016) Germline DNA methylation in reef corals: patterns and potential roles in response to environmental change Molecular Ecology doi:10.1111/mec.13414
Froehlich HE, Roberts SB, Essington TE (2015) Evaluating hypoxia-inducible factor-1α mRNA expression in a pelagic fish, Pacific herring Clupea pallasii, as a biomarker for hypoxia exposure Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2015.07.016
Fuess LE, Eisenlord ME, Closek CJ, Tracy AM, Mauntz R, Gignoux-Wolfsohn S, Moritsch MM, Yoshioka R, Burge CA, Harvell CD, Friedman CS, Hewson I, Hershberger PK, Roberts SB (2015) Up in Arms: Immune and Nervous System Response To Sea Star Wasting Disease PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133053
Timmins-Schiffman E, Coffey WD, Hua W, Nunn BL, Dickinson GH and Roberts SB. (2014). Shotgun proteomics reveals physiological response to ocean acidification in Crassostrea gigas BMC Genomics 2014, 15:951 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-951 Olson CE and Roberts SB. (2014). Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation and gene expression in Crassostrea gigas male gametes Frontiers in Physiology. 5:224. doi:10.3389/fphys.2014.0022
Gavery MR and Roberts SB. (2014) A context specific role for DNA methylation in bivalves Briefings in Functional Genomics. doi:10.1093/bfgp/elt054
Gavery MR and Roberts SB. (2013) Predominant intragenic methylation is associated with gene expression characteristics in a bivalve mollusc PeerJ 1:e215. doi:10.7717/peerj.215
Garcia-Vedrenne AE, Groner M, Page-Karjian A, Siegmund G-F, Singhal S, Sziklay J and Roberts SB. (2013) Development of genomic resources for a thraustochytrid pathogen and investigation of temperature influences on gene expression PLoS ONE 8(9): e74196. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074196
Storer CS, Quinn TP and Roberts SB. (2013) Quantitative PCR analysis used to characterize physiological changes in brain tissue of senescent sockeye salmon Biogerontology. doi:10.1007/s10522-013-9448-1
Burge CA, Mouchka ME, Harvell CD and Roberts SB. (2013) Immune response of the Caribbean sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina, exposed to an Aplanochytrium parasite as revealed by transcriptome sequencing Frontiers in Physiology 4:180. doi:10.3389/fphys.2013.00180
Timmins-Schiffman EB, Nunn BL, Goodlett DR and Roberts SB. (2013) Shotgun proteomics as a viable approach for biological discovery in the Pacific oyster Conservation Physiology. doi:10.1093/conphys/cot009
Timmins-Schiffman EB, Friedman CS, Metzger DC, White SJ and Roberts SB. (2013) Genomic resource development for shellfish of conservation concern Molecular Ecology Resources. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12052
Timmins-Schiffman EB and Roberts SB. (2012) Characterization of genes involved in ceramide metabolism in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas BMC Research Notes 5:502. doi:10.1186/1756-0500-5-502
Storer CG, Pascal CE, Roberts SB, Templin WD, Seeb LW and Seeb JE. (2012) Rank and Order: Evaluating the Performance of SNPs for Individual Assignment in a Non-Model Organism PLoS ONE 7(11): e49018. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049018
Timmins-Schiffman EB, O’Donnell M, Friedman CS, and Roberts SB. (2012) Elevated pCO2 causes developmental delay in early larval Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas Marine Biology. doi:10.1007/s00227-012-2055-x
Burge CA, Douglas N, Conti-Jerpe I, Weil E, Roberts SB, Friedman CS and CD Harvell. (2012) Friend or foe: the association of Labyrinthulomycetes with the Caribbean sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 101:1-12. doi:10.3354/dao02487 Metzger DC, Pratt P and Roberts SB. (2012) Characterizing the effects of heavy metal and Vibrio exposure on hsp70 expression in Crassostrea gigas gill tissue Journal of Shellfish Research 31(3):627-630. doi:10.2983/035.031.0305
Roberts SB, Hauser L, Seeb LW and Seeb JE (2012) Development of genomic resources for Pacific herring through targeted transcriptome pyrosequencing PLoS ONE 7(2): e30908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030908
Roberts SB and Gavery MR (2012) Is there a relationship between DNA methylation and phenotypic plasticity in invertebrates? Frontiers in Physiology 2:116. doi:10.3389/fphys.2011.00116
Gavery MR and Roberts SB. (2012) Characterizing short read sequencing for gene discovery and RNA-Seq analysis in Crassostrea gigas Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 7:2 94-99. doi:10.1016/j.cbd.2011.12.003
Morera D, Roher N, Ribas L, Balasch JC, Doñate C, Callol A, Boltaña A, Roberts SB, Goetz G, Goetz FW and Mackenzie SA. (2011) RNA-Seq reveals an integrated immune response in nucleated erythrocytes PLoS ONE 6(10): e26998. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026998
Roberts SB, Sunila I, and Wikfors G. (2011) Immune response and mechanical stress susceptibility in diseased oysters, Crassostrea virginica Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182:1 41-48. doi:10.1007/s00360-011-0605-z
Seeb JE, Carvalho G, Hauser L, Naish K, Roberts SB and Seeb LW. (2011) Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and applications of SNP genotyping in nonmodel organisms Molecular Ecology Resources 11 1–8. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02979.x
Seeb JE, Pascal CE, Graue ED, Seeb LW, Templin WD, Harkins T and Roberts SB. (2010) Transcriptome sequencing and high-resolution melt analysis advance single nucleotidepolymorphism discovery in duplicated salmonids Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02936.x
Gavery MR and Roberts SB. (2010) DNA methylation patterns provide insight into epigenetic regulation in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) BMC Genomics 11:483. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-11-483
Mathger L, Roberts SB, and Hanlon R. (2010) Evidence for distributed light sensing in the skin of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis Biology Letters. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0223
Goetz FW, Rosauer D, Sitar S, Goetz G, Simchick C, Roberts SB, Johnson R, Murphy C, Bronte C, and Mackenzie S. (2010) A genetic basis for the phenotypic differentiation between siscowet and lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Molecular Ecology 19 176–196. Defaveri J, Smolowitz R, and Roberts S (2009) Development and validation of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Perkinsus marinus in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica Journal of Shellfish Research Vol. 28 No. 3 459-464
Roberts SB, Goetz G, White S, and Goetz F (2009) Analysis of genes isolated from plated hemocytes of the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas Marine Biotechnology 11:24-44.
Roberts SB, Gueguen Y, de Lorgeril J, and Goetz F. (2008) Rapid accumulation of an interleukin 17 homolog transcript in Crassostrea gigas hemocytes following bacterial exposure Developmental and Comparative Immunology 32, 1099-1104.
Lyons MM, Lau Y-T, Carden WE, Ward JE, Roberts SB, Smolowitz R, Vallino J, and Allam B. (2007) Characteristics of marine aggregates in shallow-water ecosystems: Implications for disease ecology EcoHealth 4, 406–420.
Weiss E, Bennie M, Hodgins-Davis A, Roberts SB, and Gerlach G. (2007) Characterization of new SSR-EST markers in cod, Gadus morhua Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 866–867. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01731.x
Hodgins-Davis A, Roberts SB, Cowan D, Atema J, Avolio C, Defaveri J, and Gerlach G. (2007) Characterization of SSRs from the American lobster, Homarus americanus Molecular Ecology Notes 7:330-332.
Rodgers BD, Roalson EH, Weber GM, Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2007) A Proposed Nomenclature Consensus for the Myostatin Gene Family AJP- Endocrinology and Metabolism 292(2):E371-2.
Lyons MM, Smolowitz R, Dungan C, and Roberts SB. (2006) Development of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the hard clam pathogen, Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX) Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 72(1):45-52.
Biga PR, Roberts SB, Iliev DB, McCauley LA, Moon JS, Collodi P, Goetz FW. (2005) The isolation, characterization, and expression of a novel GDF11 gene and a second myostatin form in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 141: 218-230
Roberts SB, Romano C, Gerlach G. (2005) Characterization of EST derived SSRs from the bay scallop, Argopectens irradians. Molecular Ecology Notes. 5: 567-568
Jentoft S, Topp N, Seeliger M, Malison JA, Barry TP, Held JA, Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2005) Lack of growth enhancement by exogenous growth hormone treatment in yellow perch in four separate experiments. Aquaculture. 250:471-479 Hollis DM, Goetz FW, Roberts SB, Boyd SK. (2004) Acute neurosteroid modulation and subunit isolation of the GABAa receptor in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 32(3):921-34
Biga PR, Cain KD, Hardy RW, Schelling GT, Overturf K, Roberts SB, Goetz FW, Ott TL. (2004) Growth hormone differentially regulates muscle myostatin1 and -2 and increases circulating cortisol in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). General and Comparative Endocrinology. Vol 138(1):32-41
Roberts SB, McCauley LAR, Devlin RH, Goetz FW. (2004) Transgenic salmon over-expressing growth hormone exhibit decreased myostatin transcript and protein expression. Journal of Experimental Biology. 207(Pt 21):3741-8
Kim H-W, Mykles DL, Goetz FW, Roberts SB. (2004) Characterization of an invertebrate myostatin homologue from the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. BBA – Gene Structure and Expression. 1679(2):174-9
Roberts SB, Barry T, Malison J, Goetz FW. (2004) Production of a recombinantly-derived growth hormone antibody and the characterization of growth hormone levels in yellow perch. Aquaculture. Vol. 232/1-4: 591-602
Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2003) Expressed sequence tag analysis of genes expressed in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. Biological Bulletin. 205: 227-228.
Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2003) Myostatin protein and mRNA transcript levels in adult and developing brook trout. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 210 (1-2): 9-20.
Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2001) Differential skeletal muscle expression of myostatin across teleost species, and the isolation of multiple myostatin isoforms. FEBS Letters. Vol 491, No. 3, pp. 212-216.
Roberts SB, Langenau DM, Goetz FW. (2000) Cloning and characterization of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-1 and -2 from the brook trout ovary. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.160(1-2):89-97.
Moser ML, Roberts SB. (2000) Effects of nonindigenous ictalurids and recreational electrofishing on the ictalurid community of the Cape Fear River drainage, North Carolina. in Catfish 2000: Proceedings of the International Ictalurid Symposium; ER Irwin, WA Hubert, CF Rabeni, HL Schramm, Jr., and T Coon, editors. Davenport, IA. June 23-25, 1998. pp 479-485.
Roberts SB, Langenau DM, Goetz FW. (2000) Isolation through cloning of fish prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (cyclooxygenase) in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish; B Norberg, OS Kjesbu, GL Taranger, E Andersson, and SO Stefansson, editors. Bergen, Norway. July 4-9, 1999. p 197.
Langenau DM, Goetz FW, Roberts SB. (1999) The upregulation of messenger ribonucleic acids during 17a, 20b-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-induced ovulation in the perch ovary. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 23(2):137-52.
Roberts SB, Jackson LF, King WK, Taylor RG, Grier HJ, Sullivan CV. (1999) Annual reproductive cycle of the common snook: Endocrine correlates of maturation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 128:426-445
Select Preprints Gavery MR, Delrow J, Basom R, Roberts SB. (2015) Influence of 17α-ethinylestradiol on DNA Methylation in Oysters. GitHub / Zenodo
Heare JE, Blake B, Davis JP, Vadopalas B, Roberts SB. (2015) Evidence of Ostrea lurida (Carpenter 1894) population structure in Puget Sound, WA. PeerJ PrePrints 2:e704v1 Claire E. Olson, Steven B. Roberts. (2014) Indication of family-specific DNA methylation patterns in developing oysters bioRxiv doi:
2016 Does DNA Methylation Facilitate Phenotypic Plasticity? CNRS Amphitheatre (Moltpellier, France). Keynote - Epigenetics in Invertebrates Workshop - February 2, 2016.
2015 Open Access Opportunities for Credit, Tenure, and Promotion. Claremont College (Claremont, CA). October 15, 2015. Phenotypic Plasticity and Epigenetics in Invertebrates. Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B.C. (CICESE). October 19, 2015. Genomics on the Half Shell: Environmental Epigenetics, Open Science, and the Oyster. Oregon State Unversity (Corvallis, OR). May 4, 2015. Does DNA Methylation Facilitate Phenotypic Plasticity in Marine Invertebrates? Florida International University (Miami, FL). April 23, 2015. USDA NRSP-8 - NSA Genomics Resource Coordination Workshop Monterey, CA. March 25, 2015. Science Communication & Impact Altmetric. Webinar. February 18th, 2015. Integrating SQLShare into Genomic Workflows. UW escience Seminar (Seattle, WA). January 2015.
2014 Does DNA methylation facilitate phenotypic plasticity in marine invertebrates? Friday Harbor Research Labs Seminar Series (Friday Harbor, WA). August 2014. Science Communication and Impact: A Researcher's Perspective. Special Libraries Association - Panel discussion - Staying in the Game: New Roles for Libraries in Research Support Association (Vancouver, WA). June 2014. Genomic approaches to assessing ecosystem health. Salish Sea Conference (Seattle, WA). May 2014. Collaborative Genomic Data Analyses in the Cloud Escience in the Cloud -Microsoft Research Campus (Seattle, WA). March 2014. Genomics on the Half Shell: Making Science more Open. UW escience Seminar (Seattle, WA). February 2014 .
Total Research Funds - $4.8 Million
Research Funds to University of Washington - $3.8 Million
Primary Funding Agencies - USDA, NOAA, NSF
Title: A novel proteomic-based approach to identify and mitigate factors responsible for shellfish mortality events
Source of support: Washington Sea Grant
Award amount: $219,794
Award period: 3/1/2016 – 2/28/2018
Time Committed: 2.0 months
Student Support: Rhonda Elliot
Role: PI
Title: Assessing the capacity for evolutionary adaptation to ocean acidification in geoduck
Source of support: NOAA OA Program
Total award amount: $283,157
Award period: 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2018
Time Committed: 2.0 months
Student Support: New Student
Role: PI
Title: Developing genomic resources to support restoration and protection of the Olympia Oyster in Puget Sound
Source of support: JISAO - NOAA
Total award amount: $435,385
Award period: 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2017
Time Committed: 2.0 months
Student Support: New Student
Role: PI
Title: Using satellite pop-up tags to track movements of sablefish during spawning and changes in vertical position in the water column
Source of support: NOAA
Total award amount: $399,684
Award period: 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2017
Time Committed: 2.0 months
Collaborator: Frederick Goetz
Role: Co-PI
Research Grants & Contracts continued
Title: Maturation processes in the marine mollusc, Panopea generosa
Source of support: University of Washington
Total award amount: $39,710
Award period: 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015
Time Committed: 0.2 months
Student Support: Grace Crandall
Role: PI
Title: Alleviating Regulatory Impediments to Native Shellfish Aquaculture Source of Support: NOAA Aquaculture Program Award Amount: $427,371 Award Period: 9/1/2012 - 1/30/2016 Time Committed: 2.0 months Student Support: Jake Heare Role: PI
Title: Sablefish Reproductive Life History and Genetics Source of Support: NOAA / JISAO Award Amount: $189,869 Award Period: 9/15/2012 - 6/30/2013 Time Committed: 0.4 months Student Support: Doug Immerman, Andrew Jasonowicz Role: PI
Title: DNA Methylation as a Mechanism to Increase Adaptive Potential in Invertebrates Source of Support: National Science Foundation Award Amount: $243,090 Award Period: 5/1/2012 - 4/30/2014 Time Committed: 3.0 months Student Support: Claire Olson, Mackenzie Gavery Role: PI
Title: Sablefish Broodstock Development and Functional Genomics Source of Support: NOAA Award Amount: $349,407 Award Period: 9/15/2011 - 9/14/2013 Time Committed: 2.0 months Student Support: Doug Immerman, Andrew Jasonowicz Collaborators: Frederick Goetz Role: PI
Research Grants & Contracts continued Title: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Declining Puget Sound Molluscan Calcifiers Source of Support: Washington Sea Grant Award Amount: $400,300 Award Period: 2/1/2010 - 6/30/2013 Time Committed: 1.0 months Student Support: Dave Metzger, Liza Ray, Emma Timmins-Schiffman Collaborators: Carolyn Friedman Role: Co-PI
Title: Threats to Bivalve Aquaculture and Fisheries: The Influence of Emerging Diseases and Environmental Change Source of Support: NOAA Award Amount: $243,000 Award Period: 9/1/2009 - 2/29/2012 Time Committed: 2.0 months Student Support: Elene Dorfmeier and Emma Timmins-Schiffman Collaborators: Ralph Elston, Carolyn Friedman Role: PI
Title: Evaluation of Putatively QPX-Resistant Strains of Northern Hard Clams Using Field and Genetic Studies Source of Support: USDA-NRAC Award Amount: $79,503 Award Period: 3/1/2008 - 2/28/2011 Time Committed: 1.0 months Student Support: Dave Metzger and Caroline Storer Collaborators: John Kraeuter, Dave Bushek, Scott Lindell Role: Co-PI
Title: High Resolution SNPs for Sockeye Salmon Source of Support: Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund Award Amount: $313,523 Award Period: 7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010 Time Committed: 1.0 months Student Support: Caroline Storer Collaborators: Jim Seeb, Lisa Seeb, Chris Habicht Role: Co-PI
Research Grants & Contracts continued Title: High Density DNA Sequencing to Detect Population Structure of Pacific Herring Source of Support: Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Fund Award Amount: $40,000 Award Period: 7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010 Time Committed: 1.0 months Collaborators: Jim Seeb, Lisa Seeb, Lorenz Hauser Role: Co-PI
Title: Enumeration of viable organism Source of Support: Ballast Water Management Demonstration Program Award Amount: $200,216 Award Period: 10/1/2008 - 12/1/2009 Time Committed: 2.0 months Collaborators: Russ Herwig Role: Interim PI
Title: Genome Sequencing of Cycloclasticus pugetti, a widely distributed Marine PAH- Degrading Bacterium Source of Support: Joint Genome Institute Award Amount: In-kind Genome Sequencing Award Period: 6/1/2008 - 6/1/2011 Time Committed: 0.5 months Collaborators: Russ Herwig, Mark Strom Role: Co-PI
Title: Development of tools to monitor and predict outbreaks of Vibrio tubiashii Source of Support: UW SAFS Total Award Amount: $24,644 Total Award Period: 7/30/2008 – 6/30/2009 Time Committed: 0.5 months Student Support: Undergraduate Student Collaborator: Carolyn Friedman Role: Co-PI
Title: Development and implementation of quantitative assay for Dermo detection in oysters Source of Support: USDA-NRAC (subaward from Marine Biological Laboratory) Award Amount: $12,798 Award Period: 6/1/2008 − 7/16/2008 Time Committed: 1.0 months Student Support: Mackenzie Gavery Collaborators: Scott Lindell (MBL) Role: PI
Title: Assessing withering syndrome resistance in California Black Abalone: Implications for conservation and restoration Source of Support: California Sea Grant Award Amount: $15,067 Award Period: 6/1/2007 - 5/30/2008 Time Committed: 0.5 months Collaborators: Carolyn Friedman Role: Co-PI
Title: Production of Myostatin Gene Knockouts in Zebrafish, and the Effects of Specific Myostatin Interacting Proteins on Salmonid Muscle Growth Source of Support: USDA - NRI Award Amount: $472,840 (UW - $92,255) Award Period: 1/1/2005 - 11/30/2008 Time Committed: 4 months Collaborators: Frederick Goetz, Paul Collodi Role: Co-PI
------------------------------------------------------------Appointment at University of Washington Title: Development of genetic markers to assess disease resistance in the eastern oyster Source of Support: USDA / Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center Award Amount: $154,066 Award Period: 9/1/2006-1/30/2008 Time Committed: 4 months Collaborators: Roxanna Smolowitz and Rick Karney Role: PI
Title: The spread of lobster shell disease – genetic and social barriers Source of Support: NOAA / Rhode Island Sea Grant Award Amount: $150,991 Award Period: 03/01/2007 – 12/31/2008 Time Committed: 0.2 months Collaborators: Jella Atema and Gabriel Gerlach Role: Co-PI
Title: Development of Diagnostic and Management techniques to select cod broodstocks and hatchery stocks free from nodavirus Source of Support: USDA / Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center Award Amount: $124,612 Award Period: 10/01/2003 - 10/01/2005 Time Committed: 2 months Role: PI
Title: Isolation and characterization of factors regulated during larval competence and metamorphosis in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. Source of Support: USDA-NRICGP Award Amount: $89,934 Award Period: 11/01/2002 - 10/31/2004 Time Committed: 24 months Role: PI
Graduate Students Laura Spencer - NSF Fellowship - Incoming Yaamini Venkataraman - SAFS Fellowship - Incoming Rhonda Elliot - WSG/Agency Support - Incoming Jay Dimond - PhD (2014-current) Environmental epigenetic signatures in reef corals Megan Hintz - Masters (2015-current) Olympia oyster larval dynamics in Puget Sound Jake Heare - Masters (2012-2015) Response of Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) to changing environmental conditions Claire Olson - Masters (2012-2014) Characterizing the DNA methylome in the Pacific oyster Doug Immerman - Masters (2012-2014) Reproductive biology and gamete cryopreservation in sablefish Andy Jasonowicz - Masters (2012-2015) Population genetic characterization of sablefish in the North Pacific David Metzger - Masters (2010-2012) Impacts of elevated pCO2 conditions on Ruditapes philippinarum larval and juvenile transcriptome Emma Timmins-Schiffman - PhD (2009-2014) The physiological effects of ocean acidification on multiple life history stages of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Caroline Storer - Masters (2009-2012) co-chair - Dr. Jim Seeb Genetic and phenotypic variation in Sockeye salmon Mackenzie Gavery - PhD (2008-2014) The role of epigenetic processes in regulating the response of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to xenobiotic exposure
Undergraduate Students Current Grace Crandall; UW SAFS Capstone Reproductive Maturation in Geoduck Clams Mrunmayee Manohar Shete; UW Biology - Independent Study Olympia oyster population differences Evan Seamans; UW SAFS Capstone Using gene expression analysis to investigate salmonid health in natural populations
2015 Jonathan Allen; UW SAFS Capstone Behavioral and Luciferase Gene Expression Analysis in the Orange Sea Pen (Pennatulacea: Ptilosarcus gurneyi) Katie Jackson; UW SAFS Capstone Development of an effective anesthesia protocol for Olympia oysters
2014 Hannah Wear; UW SAFS Capstone Differential gene expression in Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) gonadal tissue - Graduate School OSU Charles Dueber; UW SAFS Capstone The Effects of β-Cyclodextrin on Immunity in the Pacific Oyster Jessica Blanchette: UW SAFS Capstone Having a BLAST Digging into Panopea generosa Larvae: generating resources to study Pacific geoduck clam development
2013 Paul Ehelen UW SAFS Aquarium Internship - linking education and outreach Joelle Blaise; UW SAFS Size variation in Olympia oyster seed from different populations
Undergraduate Students continued 2012 Harry Podschwit; UW Applied Mathematics Independent Study Developing new computational approaches for pattern discovery in the oyster genome Bradley Chi; UW SAFS Capstone The transcriptomic response of Olympia oysters to altered photoperiod and mechanical stress Derek Brady; UW SAFS Capstone Acute exposure to 17-alpha-ethinyl-estradiol and its effect on estrogen receptor and vitellogenin expression in the pacific oyster Manel Khan; UW Post-graduate Vitellogenin expression in oysters
- Pharmacy School
David Berman; UW SAFS Capstone
A Study in Hydroponics and Aquaculture Integration
Herschel Cox; UW SAFS Capstone
Defensin: An Oysters First Defense
Lexie Miller; UW Biology Independent Study
QPX Virulence Factors
Jason Tayag; UW SAFS Capstone
The effects of low pH on telomerase gene expression in juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka Sonia Albin; UW SAFS Capstone
DNA Methylation Characterization of Sockeye Salmon
Zac Hall; UW Work-Study
Shellfish husbandry
Amanda Davis; UW Biology Independent Study
Effect of 5-azacytidine on Global DNA Methylation
Christina Miller; UW Biology Independent Study
Ocean acidification and mechanical stress Rony Thi: UW Work-Study Undergraduate Students continued
2009 Anna Fabrizio; UW SAFS Capstone Chemotaxis And Foraging Behavior in Octopus rubescens Kevin Jeong; UW Biology Independent Study Hemocyte characterization in oysters
- Medical School Rachel Thompson; UW SAFS Capstone Development of non-invasive stress biomarkers in octopuses
- Awarded Mary Gates Research Scholarship; USGS Scientist Leslie Jensen; UW SAFS Captonse Rapid senescence in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Christin McLemore; UW SAFS Captone Identification and Isolation of Stress Related Genes in Grey and Fin Whales
- Fish and Wildlife State Agency
2008 Tatyana Marushchak; UW Chemistry Independent Study Vibrio tubiashii proteomic analysis Stephannie Spurr; UW SAFS Independent Study Microbial characterization in black abalone exposed to withering syndrome Katie Fulkerson; UW SAFS Capstone A Comparison of Growth and Gene Expression in Two Species of Oysters Cullen Taplin; UW SAFS Capstone Characterization of a toll-interacting protein gene in black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii)
- Medical School
Undergraduate Students continued 2007 Juliann Clark; UW Work-Study Educational Shellfish Collection Database - Tushara Saint Vitus; UW SAFS Capstone Interleukin-17 expression in Crassostrea gigas following E. coli exposure Lindsay Braun; Visiting Undergraduate - Santa Clara University Immune-related gene discovery and expression in black abalone exposed to withering syndrome
Co-Coordinator: USDA NRSP-8 National Animal Genome Research Program - Aquaculture (2016-present) Affiliate: UW eScience Institute (2015-present) Member UW Reproducibility and Open Science Working Group (2014-present) Board of Directors: Pan-American Marine Biotechnology Association (2009-present) Editorial Board: Scientific Data (2013-present) Organizer: Aquaculture Genomics Workshop, Plant Animal Genome Conference, San Diego CA (2013–2014) Faculty Mentor: Ocean and Coastal Interdisciplinary Science (OACIS) GK–20 Program (2011–2013) Review for numerous journals including Aquaculture, Marine Biotechnology, BMC Genomics, and Scientific Reports - for recent record see: Advocate for open notebook science and data sharing. All students and staff maintain open access electronic lab notebooks.
FISH310 Biology of Shellfishes FISH546 Bioinformatics for Environmental Sciences FISH510 Molecular Approaches FISH441 Integrative Environmental Physiology FISH270 Aquatic Eco-Physiology FHL Ecology of Infectious Marine Diseases