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Squishy rev2 mainboard EVT

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@lethalbit lethalbit released this 13 Jun 17:01
· 100 commits to main since this release


This is an EVT (Engineering Validation Test) Version of the hardware, DO NOT use it for production

Squishy rev2 mainboard EVT

This is the finalized set of CAD and CAM files for the EVT/R&D version of Squishy rev2's mainboard. As stated in the warning above, this is not production hardware, it is not recommended to use these files, if you can, please wait for a full proper release.

The following file sets are provided:

  • squishy-mainboard-rev2-evt-{top,bottom}-pos.csv - Pick & Place cendroid files for a single mainboard
  • squishy-mainboard-rev2-evt-bom.csv - Bill of Materials for a single mainboard
  • - Generated Gerbers and Drill files for a single mainboard
  • squishy-mainboard-rev2-evt-panel-{top,bottom}-pos.csv - Pick & Place cendtroid files for a panel
  • - Generated Gerbers and Drill files for a panel
  • squishy-manboard-rev2-evt-schematic.pdf - Plotted Schematic for the rev2-evt mainboard

Changes (2024-06-20)

  • Added missing control signals that were identified when work started on the first PHY board

Changes (2024-10-01)

  • Fixed outstanding BOM errata and re-generated PnP and BOM files, gerbers and layout was unchanged


  • 2024-07-17: Current release has a 48MHz XO specified for the Supervisor, replaced with ASE-32.000MHZ-L-C-T, only BoM needs updating Fixed 2024-10-01
  • 2024-07-20: Current release has valid pins mixed up to use the supervisor MCU, meaning the FPGA comm channel needs to be bit-banged SPI rather than using the built-in SERCOM peripheral
  • 2024-10-10: Q1's Source and Drain are swapped (schematic symbol issue)
  • 2024-10-11: U16/U17/U20's BIAS pin left floating not connected to Vin
  • 2024-10-11: SWCLK and SWDIO swapped on J4