diff --git a/parse_privacy_policy_TG.py b/parse_privacy_policy_TG.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abb75c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse_privacy_policy_TG.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+''You'll need to download a copy from somewhere and give it a path via a seperate file for now since downloading a new copy isn't handled'''
+import json, re
+from os import sep
+from parse_pp_config import path
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+path_to_html = sep.join([path, 'Telegram Privacy Policy.html'])
+print('Loading document from: {0!r}'.format(path_to_html))
+# Make sure UTF-8 BOM is properly stored.
+with open(path_to_html, encoding = 'utf-8-sig') as f:
+ html_code = f.read()
+soup = BeautifulSoup(html_code, 'html.parser')
+elements = soup.find('div', {'id':'dev_page_content'})
+object = {}
+html_lines = html_code.split('\n')
+found_it = False
+for line in html_lines:
+ if '
default input value of the function)
+ return data[:9]+ 'on ' + data[9:]
+if found_it is True:
+ date = re.search(r' | Sep | ', line)
+ if date:
+ the_date = date.group(1)
+ print('This document was archived via archive.org.')
+ print('Archived:', insert_on(the_date))
+ print()
+ object['date_document_archived'] = the_date
+ object['archive_source'] = 'web.archive.org'
+minor_heading = None; major_heading = None
+for element in elements:
+ if element.name is None:
+ continue
+ if element.name == 'p':
+ #~ print(element.text)
+ find_strong = element.find('strong')
+ if not find_strong:
+ fst = ''
+ else:
+ fst = find_strong.text
+ if fst == element.text:
+ is_strong = True
+ else:
+ is_strong = False
+ if minor_heading is None:
+ if not major_heading is None:
+ if not 'text' in object[major_heading]:
+ object[major_heading]['text'] = []
+ object[major_heading]['text'].append({'text':element.text, 'isStrong': is_strong})
+ else:
+ if not 'text' in object[major_heading][minor_heading]:
+ object[major_heading][minor_heading]['text'] = []
+ object[major_heading][minor_heading]['text'].append({'text':element.text, 'isStrong': is_strong})
+ elif element.name == 'h3':
+ # Major heading
+ major_heading = element.text
+ minor_heading = None
+ object[major_heading] = {}
+ elif element.name == 'h4':
+ minor_heading = element.text
+ object[major_heading][minor_heading] = {}
+ elif element.name == 'ul':
+ items = []
+ for item in element:
+ if item.name is not None:
+ #~ print('- ', item.text)
+ items.append('- {0}'.format(item.text))
+ if minor_heading is None:
+ if not 'list' in object[major_heading]:
+ object[major_heading]['list'] = []
+ object[major_heading]['list'].append(items)
+ else:
+ if not 'list' in object[major_heading][minor_heading]:
+ object[major_heading][minor_heading]['list'] = []
+ object[major_heading][minor_heading]['list'].append(items)
+for major_heading in object:
+ print(major_heading)
+ if 'Changes to this' in major_heading:
+ break
+count_strong = 0
+for text in object[major_heading]['text']:
+ if text.get('isStrong') is True:
+ count_strong += 1
+if count_strong == len(object[major_heading]['list']):
+ object[major_heading]['changes'] = {}
+ count_up = 0
+ for idx, item in enumerate(object[major_heading]['text']):
+ the_text = object[major_heading]['text'][idx]['text']
+ if object[major_heading]['text'][idx]['isStrong'] is True:
+ object[major_heading]['changes'][the_text] = object[major_heading]['list'][count_up]
+ count_up += 1
+ del object[major_heading]['text']
+ del object[major_heading]['list']
+#~ print(object)
+with open('tg-privacy-policy.json', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(object, indent = 2))