Become a sponsor to World Class
The REPL Team needs a hand to help fellow students find and curate resources and to allow them to contribute more easily to the project! By sponsoring this project, you are making everyone else's life better in this BSc Computer Science at the University of London.
3 sponsors have funded world-class’s work.
$1 a month
SelectIf you let us know that you would like to be thanked publicly, we will do so in one commit and in our Slack community (plus in other ways in subsequent tiers)! We will prioritize any issue, pull request or question you may have on Slack regarding the REPL, such as finding information, requesting information to be added and so on... month after month.
$2 a month
SelectEverything from the first tier, plus your name prominently featured on the main page of our repository.
$3 a month
SelectEverything from the second tier, plus the ability to add a profile picture and a (publicly acceptable) link of your choice featured on the main page of our repository.
$4 a month
SelectEverything from the third tier, plus two additional links to social media profiles and a logo of your company/website at the top where it's most visible.
$5 a month
SelectEverything from the fourth tier, plus the ability to make a small content request once a month, such as improving or refactoring an existing page... and you get to join our private Slack channel where the future of the REPL is discussed in more technical details and experiments!