A string similarity metric diffing algorithm invented by splinestein for primitive chat bot use.
- Link to module: https://www.roblox.com/library/12088663460/StringDiff
- Open source and can be viewed here: https://github.com/splinestein/splinestein-diffing-algorithm/blob/main/stringdiff.lua
- Link to release thread: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/stringdiff-string-similarity-metric-diffing-algorithm/2131245
How to use?
- Put the module into ReplicatedStorage.
- In your script, require it with:
local sdiff = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("StringDiff"))
- Run it with
ratio, _ = sdiff.compare("Hey is this working?, "Hey this is working?")
- First return value is the ratio from 0 - 100, second optional return value is the longest match.
I've tested this for primitive chat bot use and it's working nicely.
It is worth mentioning that this will have O(n) complexity if iterating over any dataset, so keep the dataset small unless you use better querying techniques on the dataset like FTS.
Hope you enjoy. Feel free to suggest any changes.